The title of this installment of 'explain the links' is sorta misleading. What I mean to say is that Cerebus The Aardvark is not the name of the artist. Rather it is the name of his masterwork. Dave Sim is the character artist and Gerhard does the backgrounds. Dave Sim started these stories decades ago and has wowed us with incredible stories filled with twists and turns. I've been a fan for almost 2 decades and he has filled those pages with high drama, outragous adventure, human weakness, and a wit so sharp that it could cut marble. I have sat down, read a comic book chapter, and laughed my b*lls off. You can actually see his artistic style develop as each graphic novel appears. He really hits his stride in 'High Society' and 'Church and State vol 1'.
Dave Sims partner in crime, Mr. Gerhard, is an amazing architect and landscape artist. Gerhard ( whose first name I have never found in the graphic novels ) has done amazing things with tech pen cross hatching that I can only attempt when I'm full of ego. Even then, my work is only a pale imitation of Gerhards.
My real hope now, since the series has reached a conclusion, is that one day an animation studio ( maybe linked to CartoonNetwork AdultSwim ) will spend a billion dollars to produce a high quality animated tv series based on every single issue. I suggest Al Lubell ( a commedian ) to be the voice of Cerebus himself.
Click on the link if you don't believe me, prove me wrong...