
I just had a request ( a kick in the fanny actually ) from Janey to post some pictures of attrative males on this blog. I warned her that some of the content would be rather *ahem* mature. So here you go. This was done shortly after I finished the Erinyes (female version) which I posted in February in this blog. I wanted a kinda 'surfer boy' and Brad Pitt combo to achieve this look. He had to be hot, and he had to be in great shape without being too bulky. I think he's delicous enough to eat up with a spoon. But that's just me. I can go both ways, not everybody is hardwired that way. The jewelry is tasteful yet fun. Ok, maybe not tasteful, but fun anyway. The pose is definetly provocative and yummy, and I rilly like the way the hair turned out. The feet were a bit of a victory, I didn't know if I could make them look right.
If any of you are offended, just remember, humans are actually all naked under all those clothes. Ah ! Ah ! You're blushing ! Naughty bits can be fun...
I said jocky shorts are your friend, I said fig leaves are nice too what happened to the shorts and fig leaves?????? His feet are nice and at least only his tail is piereced. Only his tail is pierced right? Please tell me only his tail is pierced. No, don't tell me. Well, you could maybe hint but nothing explicit please. I think twig 'n berries would blush - if they had any color that is. Oh god what happened to the fig leaf.
I'm blushing in all the right places. ;-)
You can't say that I didn't warn you! I guess you don't want to see any more of those posted here, huh ? Twigs and berries take on a whole new meaning when I present them. I did mention racy and raunchy way back then...
Welcome back Kymberlee ! I missed you ! I'm suprised that I could make you blush, you seem to make me blush half the time. Turn-about is fair play I guess ! :-D
I never said my cheeks were blushing, darling.
More like logs and mellons. Brad Pitt huh? And they are aliens so.... Aliens can't be raunchy and racy right I mean they have a different anatomy right? I'm not encouraging you here now ok but well just one or two more maybe aliens might be nice.
yes, one or two more of either male or female aliens would be just lovely.
Kymberlee, please put your hands where we can see them. :-D
These are DEMONS Janey, they kinda lack modesty and shame. Methinks you two are a lil' more interested than you care to admit. And if you think that's a 'log', I've got another drawing in my filing cabinet that might make you a tad bit 'scandalized'!
Kymberlee, I thought I told you to keep your hands where we can see them. I'll paddle your lil' fanny !
As my granny used to say: Ain't that the berries! and the twig, too. Was I being overly cautious by hiding my naughty clown behind an "Adults Only" warning?
Steve, you just keep get more and more daring. I like it.
It's kinda hard to know what exactly I can get away with here, Miss Daze. I don't want to alienate the visitors and I also don't want to piss off blogger. I've just gotta test th' waters and hope for the best.
I take it that the naughty clown has more than just a squeak horn to play with...
I just checked out your blog again, Miss Daze, and I found the 'Carnival Noir' section. The second image 'Playtime', is what you must be refering to. Yes that clown is rather naughty I must say! That looks fun too...
I'm really, or should I say "rilly", surprised that you just now discovered the clown. Especially considering your certain fondness for you-know-what.
Alienating visitors - hee hee. I'm very good at it though I'm not quite sure how. And it doesn't even take a nekkid be-hind let alone more provocative thingies to do so. Seems I just need to write something - anthing. Guess that is what makes me so damned sinister...muwhahahahaha
My blog is a snare and I am the spider. Come little flies, come to mama.....muwhahahahaha
Ooo! He's got a lovely bum. I'm currently smiling my very best dirty-old-lady grin, despite the fact that I'm not an old lady yet.
Oh! And about the way you mention that your brain's hardwired? Hey, you too, huh? Small world -- but oh! the fun we can have with variety.
Perhaps Illustration Friday is leading Steve array .. astray. This is a daring ambition to reinvent mischief as you travel alone taking flight amongst crowded yet fragile blogger.
Your site is a handfull to look through, I still haven't gone through all of it, Miss Daze. It's rilly huge! Yes, I do have a fondness for the kinky stuff. Gets my adrenaline flowing. Help ! Help ! A sinister web spinner has snared me ! ;-)
Hey there Mizzkyttie ! Yes, that derriere is quite spankable isn't it ! Gives me rather impure thoughts, fun fun fun! I am bi and I actually think that all humans are bi-sexual, most won't admit it though. You can tell due to everone being able to differentiate the difference between handsome/ugly men and beautiful/ugly women. How could you tell if you weren't already capable of being aroused ? Every one has their preference, some stronger than others. Doesn't mean that it's all black and white. After all, if it's all yes or no, sin or saint, and no gray...then bullshit like racism can be justified based on skin color. Our country needs to relax and remember that HUMANS come first. Me shut up now.
Wow, Anonymous ! You've been keepin' track ! I don't know if I should be concerned or aroused...
Hi Steve, came searching for "nourishment" but you haven't provided any yet, so I'll just leave a comment here.
I used to subscribe to the belief that all humans were essentially bi but due to society repressed themselves. Then, I actually tried being bi once. Sounds silly but true. As Woody Allen said (paraphrase) "More dates for a Friday night." Seriously, it just didn't work for me. Sure, if someone hits you in the right spot it is arousing but it is not the same. I cannot fall in love with a woman nor be physically satisified by one.
We can all identify beauty. Beauty itself is not sexual - there is beauty in flowers and children and all sorts of things. And I've never been attracted to a flower or a child. On the other hand, I have been very attracted to less than good looking guys.
There is more to sexuality, but maybe that is just a female perspective. You know the joke about how guys will stick it into anything that will hold still long enough...
Nourishment is on the way !
Wise words Miss Daze. And from personal experience I know that men are generally not worth being with. And I understand the difference between beauty and lust, but you put it quite eloquently, so I'll close my cake hole and let you bask in the spotlight which you have earned.
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