Illustration Friday 'Mischief'

While checking out Kevin's blog I noticed that while he had an abundance of pretty grrrl drawings, my own blog was noticably lacking in the cheescake department. So for this Illustration Friday I decided that a lil' 'Mischief' rilly was in order. After digging through my file cabinet I found what I think is a suitably sensual yet not offensive sketch that I did last year. One day I will pose like that for a photographer, lookin' just as FINE, one day...
I rilly like the hair, it was sumptin' I've been itching to do for a while and I finally broke down and drew it out months back. Her hair is still slightly wet and is drying nicely after being in the Great Lakes. The tail gave me a lil' trouble (normally drawing tails for anthropomorphics is second nature to me), but it turned out all right.
The skimpy bikini was a given, had to do it. I'd wear it if I looked that hot. Here's a quote from Marilyn vos Savant:
" A pretty woman is one who turns the heads of the teenage boys as she walks by the bus stop. A beautiful woman is one who turns the heads of men too. But it takes a GORGEOUS woman to turn the heads of the WOMEN there."
I wanna be GORGEOUS too ! Gonna turn the heads of WOMEN too !
Now this is more than mischief making...both you and the wabbit.
Thanx for noticing Miss, Miss Daze. We'll both go and stand in th' corner now. ;-)
Wow Steve...every week I come back just to see you've come up with...your work is awesome! I love this one!
Does this mean that you are addicted to my goofy art ? Oops ! That means we have to perform an intervention. I'll get the bunge cords while someone else fetches the eye-drops. This could get messy! :-)
Does this mean that you are addicted to my goofy art ? Oops ! That means we have to perform an intervention. I'll get the bunge cords while someone else fetches the eye-drops. This could get messy! :-)
Ah, west and wewaxation at wast- and no scwewy wabbits to botheh me! Hehheheheheheheheh
But humerously, I think the genetic gene-splicing lab was up to some mischief as well!
I know you want to work in that lab, Tony. I can see you sweating profusely at the prospect! BTW, luv the Fudd (ish) accent you used to start your comment! Now I gotta hop away, doc. :-)
Ok I want to know where are the pretty boy drawings? Well, handsome boy drawings, actually I mean where are all the good looking men drawings? Huh, that's what I wanna know. And your wabbit is really neat!
Well Janey, it's like this. I do have some pretty men sitting in th' hard-drive and the file cabinet. Problem is, they are Rated 'R' in content and I don't quite know how blogger would react to them. Bare butts and breasts are one thing, even vague suggestions of penis's can be posted. But some of these other pictures are definetly racy and raunchy.
Gimme your feedback on this and I'll reconsider if there is enough support from the other ladies out there...
Hey fig leaves are and artist's friend. And jockies come in all colors and styles today. And I post twig 'n berries though I doubt anyone would consider them racey. And I just realized her ear is pierced and that's so cute.
OK, I'll post some cute guys. I like to add jewelry here and there.
Wabbity mischief is my favowit kind. You wok, S!
Also, I love all the cute little details like the bikini, her expression and the piercing. Cute!
I'm glad you like the details I put into this sketch, Kymberlee! I was worried about the feet turning out right, but they seem to look fine. Thank you vewy vewy much for your wuv !
Well you took good care of this wabbit! She might make it to Play Boy!
Hi, Steve --
I'm not only an I-Fri (recent) regular, but I also always check the participants list to see if you've posted anything. Stage an intervention for me, too, if you have enough supplies. ;)
As for the "Twig 'n' Berries YES?"/"Twig 'n' Berries NO?" question, I've got no complaint about sexually explicit, racy, or raunchy art, and it's also your blog and your space, so I'm all for you posting whatever comes to your mind. However, knowing that a lot of blog-readers often read at work, and knowing that most work-internet-connections have firewalls and filters galore, I'd suggest that whatever naughtiness you post might be best placed behind a clickable link to get to it, and labled "NSFW" so that any Steve's Poison Pencil fans won't find themselves dragged into the office to 'fess up to their naughty-drawing-viewing. ;)
(By the way -- well-done furry art = YAY, in my book. Great, sexy, mischevious, well-drawn rabbit!)
She is cheeky too; top and bottom! A must that goes paw and paw with mischief. Noticed you prefer thongs to high heels Steve.
Oh my...from the psychodrama of my friend weaning his spring calves to mondo nipplage. Jung was right.
BTW, that rabbit looks better in high heels than Wayne's heifers.
Hey Joe ! Hugh Heffner would have ta shell out some pretty big bucks for Hunny Bunny here.
A lotta my time is also chewed up by checkin' out the other participants, Kim. I usually go through between 20-50 if I can, including those of people that I recognize, depending on how much time I have available. I'm glad my scribbles are gettin' some luv ! Does NSFW stand for Not Safe For Work ? I know some netiquette acronyms, but this is new to me. The link idea is brilliant, and I might start using it if someone turns up the heat due to narrow-mindedness.
As a closing note, I'm a big fan of furry art, as you can see from my link (Summoning) to Skunkworks (James Hardiman)!
You're lucky I didn't draw her from the back, I luv buns ! High heels have their place, Anonymous, and the beach isn't one of them. So thongs win the day...for now!
If Jung and Freud were sharing a prison cell, who would be the bottom ho ? Hmmmmmmmm. A heifer in high heels ? Wasn't there an anthropomorphic character in the comic book 'Fantastic Panic' who was a cow ? I'll haveta check on that.
very "jessica rabbit"! strange coincidence that as i'm viewing your illo, there's a CSI episode playing, the one about the "furry fetish" lifestyle! as for who would be riding whom, i think freud would be on bottom, he accepted any sexual behaviours, whereas jung could "justify" his actions easily ;)
cheers luv,
Yeah, the whole 'Furry' lifestyle is interesting, that's why I have a link to Skunkworks Yahoo group. I'm glad that you are OK with that, Kerry !
P.S. Dr. Ruth would probably video-tape the whole sordid affair...:-D
Howdy Bertha ! I like ta add lil' details in my art. Jewelry tends to be a common theme for me.
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