Illustration Friday 'Ambition'

My Ambition is to one day learn to dance. At least that's one of my 'Ambition's, one day...
And I hope to not only look rilly cute, but also feel as happy as this joyous young lady who seems to be having a blast just skipping around to some light hearted music. I decided to NOT do something DARK nor something BIZARRE like I am wont to do. (wont ?, jeez!) So I plunged deep down into my psyche and once again visited my true self (as you can guess, I'm a chick trapped in a dudes body) and I PoisonPenciled this happy scene. I kept playing "I Feel Free" by Belinda Carlisle over and over again, I luv that song on her Heaven on Earth CD (that and "Circle In The Sand" song). What...? I'm 35, I grew up with this music, the 70's thru the early 90's had some awesome tunes! All of you need to hush up! I'm gonna play some Bonnie Tyler now, or maybe some Cheap Trick...
steve - i thought I left a comment here earlier... maybe it is lost in the www
wasn't there a song in the 70's, 80's or 90's rock
"all you gotta do is dance, dance, dance"
me ambition w/the one sitting grid
background story
was to get thru a boring mtg.
cheers... happy weekend -patty
awesome little picture. i like :)
I rember one called 'All she wants to do is dance' but I can't remember the rock group that did it. I'll have to go to to find it later. Too bad your meeting was that boring, have you ever thought of the speaker getting nabbed by cartoon tentacles from the floor and pulled into the speaker phone? It's a fun image to play with.
Thanx Patty, I hope your weekend is groovy!
Heya ChaCha ! How was the music fest? I'm glad you like this image. It's good to do something cute now and then. Just as long as I balance it with some odd weirdness ever week or so...
former eagle Donald Henley.
and good drawing.
Of course, Don Henley! Thanx James ! You're a life saver! That song would have resonated in my head forever (or at least until tonight). Now I can directly look for Don Henley and find that song. Also I appreciate the props on the drawing!
your alter ego looks like a "Dancing Queen" or perhaps an "I Will Survive" type. Pretty funny
I do love this. Especially the outfit, the one piece (spandex of course), the ballet slippes but where't the headband?
'Dancing Queen' is done by ABBA, I luv ABBA ! That was a great suggestion Jen! Happy to make you laugh. :-D
Sorry Janey, but a head-band would have ruined the hair-do. And that's a no-can-do. I thought about wrist bands and leg warmers, but I wanted to keep this simple. I'm glad you approve buddy! are the BEST
HIGHAA...YAAAA...WATHA ...comes to my mind and she is soooooo working as a groovy sistah to me!
I shall state again! Steve is the BEST!
please excuse my lame attempts at letter sounds.
is what I was going for.
My dear PeaPies, you are just like the rest of us cartoonists. You are a living special effect. Revel in it! Our lil' dancer will be leapin' over tall buildings in a single bound rilly soon!
Methinks it's time for some Annie Lennox and 'Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves' to play in the background.
LOL! Hang in there you will make it!
It's funny: the illo I am working on has a dance theme, too...a different take but still a dance theme. I find it fascinating that so many of us are thinking of such similar things. Synchronicity.
Hey Joe ! Maybe I will, if the stock market goes through the roof within the next 12 months. Herez hoping !
You know what they say Violet, great minds think alike ! But I just lucked out with this one. I have a mind, but it wanders. One time I found it serving lunch in a cafeteria for dyslexic lawyers...
hee hee...i'm so glad my fav posters post early and i get a chance to view....too bloody funny. belinda though? ouch!
ha ha,
I gotta be me, Kerry ! Who else would carry out my deviltry ? Hey, I like that cheesy and fun music ! I just can't seem to enjoy most of the music nowadays. There are a few exceptions though. ;-)
definately need a good balance of cute and weird thats what makes art so kool, a little variety. the show was awesome im gonna post a couple photos from it cuz i just got them developed. check em out.
I'm with you on the gen, too.
Lovely dancer but I wouldn't want her to step on my toes - super ouch!
She is related to bigfoot? You will be the dancing queen, young and sweet, only thirty five ...
You're so light on your artistic feet! I just love the raw enjoyment. Keep it up
Does Steve harbour ambitions to be the new Gene Kelley? Singin' in the Rain no less, the antithesis of last week's entry....or is it a Flashdance moment? Nice illo - how do you get these out so quickly?
That's what I wanna be, cute and weird! Just the right mix for this world. I'll bop on over to your site and scope out your new photos ChaCha, jus' gimme a sec.
Weren't the 80's the best for music, Miss Daze ! I luv that era's tunes. It's too bad musicians nowadays seem embarassed to continue that wonderfully creative and etheric level of performance. That's my generation too, big hair, squealing guitars, and a sense o' magic. Now it seems to be violence, crass lewdness, and crude inyourface bad attitude. I think I'll put on some Pseudo Echo, just to piss-off everyone who hates the 80's. Tape side #2, song #1, 'Love An Adventure'. Yeah, that's some goooood 80's.
Bigfoot has got nothin' on her, kiddo! (Besides, I don't want Skully and Mulder to show up and start flashing their badges around) ABBA will survive forever, even if the band didn't.
You should talk, Tony. I've seen you do some fantastic work yourself! I've got lotsa crap in my head so runnin' out of ideas is remote. Now, if only I can make sure those ideas are good...
Steve is a shy, androgenous wannabe, who likes to dance, but has no formal training. Plus I dance like a girl, so most people get embarassed being around me. But at least I can swivel my hips, most guys can't (or won't). As for my timing, Detlef, sometimes I'm lucky, other times I get stuck and I fall behind. :-/
:) she is wonderful :) You are gonna do it !
Bertha, you're back ! We're happy that you've shown up again !
Thanx for the vote of confidence Nuray-Tulipland ! I'll need it ! :-)
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