
You've studied hard. You've delved into books of forbidden knowledge. You've gathered the exotic and nearly impossible to get ingredients. You've chanted all evening and night. You've made sure that the STARS ARE RIGHT.
So you cast the spell and open the gate.
Instead of a properly working hyperdimensional gate, you now have a gate of GANZIR. That's right, you screwed up royally, and this DARK PORTAL is bad news. Now you've gotta fight off THE HOUNDS OF TINDALOS and avoid getting sucked into that EMPTY void between universes.
Oh, yeah. Don't forget asking YOG SOTHOTH to kindly put things back to normal.
Illustration Friday has proposed the word 'EMPTY' and this is my take on it. I gotta go back and consult my copy of the NECRONOMICON to see where this gate went wrong...
* sigh *
"Remember always to copy each of the formulae as I have put it down, and not to change it by one line or dot, not so much as a hair's breadth, lest it be rendered valueless, or worse: a broken line provides entrance for Those Outside, for a broken star is the Gate Of GANZIR, the Gate of Death, the Gate of The Shadows."
- Alhazred, the mad arab...
* sigh...again *
Yog Sothoth ... PLEASE kindly put things back to normal ...
You heard her YOG SOTHOTH, don't make her mad !
Thanx Anonymous !
Forgot to tell you I am feeling a little odd, no flurry, no like I'm being swirled around ... no ... nothing.
Have a seat, Anonymous ! Looking into the eye o' madness can leave you dizzy and disoriented.
Have some chocolate, that usually helps...
My head is empty now steve-i think i cannot move but no óne can move body and spirit refuses to go there in your world...ha ha all over your body have grown???
by the way, were you able to see my banner because two have said already that it isn't working. thanks!
Strange things happen when a GANZIR gate occurs, Isay. Reality kinda starts to blur around the edges...
Nope, you'r banner is not working. I tried to manually reload the banner image and that didn't work. Then I tried to download it to me hard drive, and nothing happened.
It must be a server problem. Too many people going online and too few severs to accomodate them. It's a classic 'supply and demand' dilema.
Sometimes I almost feel tempted to mail a string attached to two empty cans to all the providers out there just so that there is a chance of a message getting through.
Oddly enough I arrived too late for the chocolate!
Very interesting concept and image.
Cool idea !!!
Ah the void. Been watching those old Outer Limits shows have you? Remember the one with Cliff Robertson where they opened a portal to another dimension and this static guy showed up? They didn't know about the chocolate cure though, we all almost ended up in the void. I can still feel that pulsating energy when I look at your picture.
That last anon was me. Couldn't sign in without a blogger account.
You are beyound reaching! The void has your number!
you have that dream too, eh?! i wonder if it's a chicken and egg dilemma...did someone have that dream and create the show, or we all saw those shows and started dreaming of being sucked into the void?
Don't worry Ginger, I saved some chocolate for you !
I luv this weird stuff !
The program I use is PhotoShop, Paxton.
Thanx Rowantree ! I appreciate the props !
Ooooo, I luv those old black and white Outer Limits and Twilight Zone shows, Janey ! I think the scariest one was about a ventriloquist's dummy who was alive and whenever the dummy's head would turn to look at the guy I would get the cold shivers.
Have some chocolate, Janey !
Yeah, the Ancient Ones have me on speed dial, Joe. I've gone on too many umbral adventures to avoid gaining attention.
Duck and cover, buddy. Duck and cover.
I'm always sticking my nose into mystic lore and strange occurances, Kerry. It wouldn't be the first time I've peeked into the void and noticed something peeking back at me...
Grab a rope !!!
Why the hell would I want things back to normal? Where's the fun in that?
Grab the rope, Bertha ! Hold tight !
Normal is boring, Tony. But once in a while it is a welcome change from the roiling chaos that is our universe.
Oh, wait. The birdbath has just jumped up and ran away. Gotta go !
OH! I feel dizzy..good idea and illo !
Walk slowly, Nuray-Tulipland. It'll pass soon.
Tonight I stumbled across this necronomicon symbol and wondered if anybody else has seen it or what do you make of it ?
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