Lazy Kitty

It's Illustration Friday again !!!
This week's word is 'Tranquility', not a bad choice of subject matter, I must say. So I decided that a napping tabby is just the right fit for this topic, y'know...full belly, tired from chasing butterflies outside, saving the universe...those sort of things can tire you out pretty quick. As a result, just flop down and relax on the floor, maybe in the doorway to annoy anyone trying to walk in.
Oh, yeah...
Meeeeeeoooooooowwwww !!!
you really cannot hide your motive by admitting it at the end *LOL* you are so funny and i really, really like your drawing today-fine strokes!
You caught me, Isay ! I do luv naps in the afternoon...aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. So nice !
Thanx for smiling at my lil' contribution!
Now that you've found the perfect spot for a nap, let's hope no one trips over you as they carry their tray of iced tea to the porch. I enjoyed your image!
i also meant the motive of lying down and taking that nap in the doorway...but who would not stop and carry the big you(in your illustration)and put you in your bed?
Hey Steve, I see you left the belly open for scratching! LOL! Think I will go take a nap...
Mmmmmm. Iced tea.... Mmmmmmmm.
Do cats like Iced tea, Ginger ? I know they like fishies and mousies and birdies...but chilled ground up leaves mixed with water ? I gotta get back to you on that. Maybe after my nap !
Have a great weekend !
Yes, carry me Isay. I'm a boneless cat who will purr and nuzzle as you transport me to my favorite pillow.
Of course I'll just scamper back to the doorway and plop down there while your back is turned.
It's a well known secret that my tummy is tantilizingly ticklish, Joe.
Don't tell anyone !
great lines - nice and clean i like it! ^_^
Thanx Valaine! The clean lines are from cat tongue lickings. LOL !
You've really captured the essence here, Steve. I especially love the way you've done the outstretched leg, with the paw spread, digits extended as part of that perfect and tranquil stretch.
Hiya Mick ! Yeah, those streches feel darn gooooood, don't they ! Next will be the dramatically slow and langourious yawn...
I love this cat !!
The super secret and marvelously magical lives of kitty kats is a wonderful thing, Rowantree !
Have you said Hello to your cat lately ?
Meeeeooooowwww !!!
great stuff steve! simple and speaks volumes. you can't be lying in doorways though kiddo, i'll end up rolling right over you! :D that's one speedbump i would feel badly negotiating. i've well-trained my kitty to come when i call, move when i tell her to, and know which side of the bed if hers! what more do you need out of a pet?!
Yep, that's me Kerry. Simple. With a tail.
Luckily I'll hear you coming so that I can shift slightly and move out of the way. Hmmmm. Sounds like you've trained your cat well, but are you sure your cat hasn't trained you even better ?
Have a great weekend !
Usually refuse to comment on an IF with a cat in it. Considering it's yours Steve, will pretend you are a tiger - doesn't take much imagination. Why is your attractive arm refusing to flop?
Just give my languishing arm a few moments, Anonymous. I'm savoring the streeeetching...
Why don't you like cats ?
Were it orange and white instead of black and white, I would say this was a portrait of my cat, Wheezy. The spreading of the toes in particular is just like her. *G*
It's not that I don't like cats Tiger, I just don't like the amount I see on IF :)
This topic was made for cats and your's is the best!
you're right steve, she controls my actions just as much...she's extremely vocal! she tells me when it's time to wake up, time to feed her, time to let her out, time to groom her, time for treats...:D
you're right anon, there are a plethera of kitties on IF...although i really love Bertha's site, she's got a theme going, not just being cute for cute's sake.
I live with two of the wicked little creatures and I adore them despite everything they do: stealing pillows, sleeping on my head, knocking things over, spitting up hairballs on the bed, etc. Know of another domestic breed but too preposterous to mention. (fake relations, I suspect, giving this species a bad name.)
Kitty is delightful. Is he dreaming? Just wondering because his foot is stuck in the air. Or is he tripping people as they attempt to step over him?
btw Steve, someone is spreading the rumor that your tummy is tantilizingly ticklish? Is this true????
Oh i totally love this one. so simple but its got a great attitude :)
one of my favorites, an animal illo. cute and clean and lazy... teehee...
Say hi to Wheezy for me will ya, Aravisarwen !
Yeah, I know. Kitty kats are pretty common visual fodder on the internet, Anonymous. But you have to admit, I don't use this lil' beastie very often.
My kitty kat is blushing, Janey !
The cats will one day dominate the world, Kerry, and when that happens I want an emerald collar and leash to wear, or at least a soft green one...
Just make sure you don't do any teddy bears Steve :)
The kitty is weaving a spell of impressive complexity, Miss Daze. Although the meaning of it's purpose is difficult to say. Plus stretching feels grrrrrreat !
Yes, my tummy is tantilizingly ticklish.
( Don't tell anyone ! )
Cats definitly have an attitude worthy of respect, Rebeccashane ! I must be why they don't have a sweet tooth ( It's true, I just found it out ! )
Spread the word !
So you DO love Miss Daze. It was all Blogger's fault!!!
LOL it looks like half a Garfield, which would be twice as lazy ;)
So lovely!!!! It's lazy as I am waking up in the morning!!!! I like your style!!!
Thanx Knottydon ! I hope you have kitty dreams too !
Yep, I just knew you'd like this one, Bertha ! A feline subject is right up your alley !
Hmmmm. I wonder what half of Odie would be like, Tony... Only half as smart, or half as gullible ? Either way the feline protagonist would still engage in naughty behaviour!
Well, Marica, I'm not a morning person and neither is this kitty. Thanx for the compliment !
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