The Blemish Gnome

This is another denizen of the hidden Fey Kingdom of Kalamazoo...The Blemish Gnome.
I'm sure you've heard of him. Or at least encountered his work. Whenever your skin is blotchy and discolored, whether from mysterious bruises or puffiness in the morning, you will know that The Blemish Gnome has been hard at work.
He heard about the lil' Elm Tree Sprite who posed for my posting request from JenniferVintageByButtons, and just had to be next in line for a blog picture. He smells faintly of Calamine lotion and used bed covers. And he likes to tell off-color jokes about celebrities and famous historical artifacts. I don't remember much about his jokes other than one involving Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut and a man who suffered from terminal dandruff.
Maybe it's best if I don't remember too much...
That little bastard! THAT's what happened to my chin! I've got one of those pimples-that-hasn't-yet-become-a-pimple on the left side of my chin; it's one of those things where your skin gets all inflamed and painful and you know that there's gonna be a pimple there and you want to pop it but there's nothing to pop and instead it's just kind of painful....I BLAME YOU, BLEMISH GNOME!!!!!
Join th' club Kim (MizzKyttie), I've got one on the inside of my right nostril ! The Blemish Gnome treats all people equally. I hope G. Bush gets one on his tush !
The Blemish Gnome is on the hunt and you could be next, dear lurkers. BEWARE !!!
You have been warned...
He has never visited me ... only once a VERY long time ago he hopped onto chin to go some place else. He mustn't think I'm good enough. Friend Wrinkle Elf loves me though. Maybe should have hung out with Oil Gnome more often when younger.
Oh, don't worry Anonymous. I'll drop a message to him so that he'll stop by and visit with you rilly soon !
That way you won't feel left out.
The Chocolate Gnome and The Pizza Gnome are both close buddies of mine !
I'm glad you also believe in them, Paxton.
Thanks for sending your buddy the Chocolate Gnome Steve ... feeling better now :)
Chocolate is a wonderful medicine for making the patient feel better, Anonymous !
Will try to edure trying circumstances with even temper in order to receive more chocolate :)
More chocolate.
You have to be PATIENT Steve if you want the chocolate gnome to deliver.
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