Illustration Friday 'Karma'

Did I just hear thunder...?
It's Illustration Friday again, and this weeks topic is 'KARMA'. I decided to do something dreary and sad. This poor person has endured a rilly bad day. So what's gonna happen tomorrow ? You got it, GOOD KARMA !
Maybe a forgotten tax return worth $9,000. Maybe a fantastic job offer from out of the blue. Maybe a brilliant discovery that makes you famous. Maybe a chance meeting with the love of your life.
Hope. Hope. Hope.
Reach for it, baby !!!
Very nice illustration, Steve! I haven't been around for a while and I have missed you. And your great artwork.
And YES, it is thunder! How did you know? Storming here for last few days. Wow!
And this illio is my life! I must have been very bad in a past lifetime. That is why I am so bad in this one. My hope - I'm even more bad in the next!
No rest for the wicked. I'm off now to darken someone else's doorway! tata
Welcome back, Miss Daze ! I don't know if my artwork is great, but I think it's fairly competent at times.
I heard on the news that there is flooding in Houston Texas, stay safe kiddo!
Well, that's the funny thing about Karma, it has a reverse side to it. Like a flipped coin. Sooner or later the other face (or tail, based on your inclination ^_^ ) with make an appearance and things suddenly become different. POW !!!
Don't be too bad, Miss Daze. That's how spanking get earned, there are other methods too...
Make sure you knock first at those doorways!
Steve do not underestimate your talents. I simply refuse to argue with you on the matter.
Yes, much flooding around here but I stay inside. Don't think I need to worry too much about being washed away, although Anon did try drowning me in the bathtub recently. But that is a whole other story.
If I knock first, Steve, then chances are they'll peek out and see it is me then won't answer their door. Now how nice is that?
it took me a long time to go to your site and others and really had a hard time with mine hence, the late comment. blogger problems??? i like how you made your illustration with colors only on the background and the bottom(i like yellow actually!)it is beautiful.
Sounds like Anonymous is being naughty again, Miss Daze. Just don't lie to people saying that you are a Jehovah Witness or some other silliness. Instead tell them that you are a representative of Redheads Roaming Unsupervised For Fun, or R.R.U.F.F.
At least then they may give you some Skittles and Tootsie Roll Blow Pops and a pat on the head.
Oh, look ! I-see I-say. Yeah, I also had a lil' trouble with blogger this morning, it was slow uploading my post. This hasn't happened in a few weeks, I hope it's a temporary thing.
Thanx for the compliment, Isay! I wanted the cloud and the person to stay gray and colorless while the surroundings are colored. It was a quick picture since I didn't wanna go overboard. I like the color green, personally.
well.. seems like we think alike.. this week we have a similar doodle again!
are we twins or something!? :P
Wish it rained´s so hot and dry! :(
Great minds think alike, Veronica ! I'm currently thinking of Dove vanilla chocolate with Reece's magic shell topping...what are you thinking ?
I'll bet it's the same or similiar.
It's hot and muggy here, it was dry and hot a few days ago, but the rains let loose and we got drenched. Now the brown grass is turning green again (yay ! ) but I'll have to mow the lawn soon (boo ! )
Naughty again? When has she ever stopped?
I would never misrepresent myself. I like your idea of R.R.U.F.F. but I would most likely tell them I am G.O.D. (grand old dame) or a W.O.W. (wicked old witch). If they threw kiddy candy at me and patted me on the head, I would have to bite them. I am not a child out trick or treating. A Trickster with treats, though, yes!
They could always appease me with a magnificent meal followed by a rich dessert.
PS. please return tp
How about G.A.L., Miss Daze ? Gothic-Adventure-Lady
does that sound better ?
I don't know about the TP, you might throw it on unsuspecting peoples houses. That would be naughty...
I certainly hope he has a better day tomorrow, and that he doesn't slip in the mud in the meantime...
gotta hate those days when you feel like the shit is only pouring down on your head! ah well, he need only step forward and he'll have sun-shiny days again:D
p.s. are you virtually vandalizing again? (sigh) you just want more spankings, don't ya!
This is great.. I love the sketchyness the body has~!
Hey great Illo. I like the way the rain deflects off him. Good thoughts, good actions result in good karma. Get that guy thinking happy thoughts.
Did you just hear thunder? MUST be because you and Miss Daze have been talking about me in front of this comment? POW ... woops guess you have bad Karma Steve! Although had good Karma when drawing your once again great image :)
Gothic Adventure Lady???? hmmm.... I LIKE it!
Karma has a way of flipping around, Aravisarwen. Sunny skies are on the way !
Sometimes it's hard to see the world through th' rain, Kerry.
What can I say, I'm occasionally mischeivious.
Thanx, Rebeccashane ! I wanted the persons' body to be kinda nondescript and vague.
I've wanted to do the rain spatter affect once more, Janey. I haven't done that for years. Happy thoughts !
Hi Anonymous ! It's been raining pretty hard today, did you do that ? Thanx for the compliment !
I'll send you some good karma, Bertha ! Wheeeeeee !!!
Steve your the MAN!
No. You're the man, Joe ! BTW, herez an umbrella...
Did indeed Steve, but JUST warming up with a sprinkle, wait for the lightening! It was a pleasure!
hi cloud would be like the one the kid "pig pen" as i can't seem to get rid of clutter and dust... does any body remember pig pen?
p.p. patty
Thanx for the visit, Anonymous !
Hey, Patty ! I remember Pig Pen ! He was the lil' kid in the Charlie Brown/Peanuts comics who was in desperate need of a bath. I'll bet his parents were clean freaks and he just messed around in dirt as a way to rebel.
The pleasur was all mine Steve :)
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