Illustration Friday 'Sport'

Sorry for being late, Blogger has been messing up a lot lately. Blogger wouldn't let me post new items on this blog due to their new software upgrade that skrews anyone who owns a Mac, uses OS 9, and uses Internet Explorer. Their solution ? Spend a large chunk o' money and get OS X and get a new browser.
Gee, that's convienient.
Sorta like, 'hey, we moved the service you use to the far side of the moon, just hitch a ride on the next space shuttle launch, oh and you gotta pay for that outta yer own pocket'.
But I lucked out and now it's currently working like it should (I hope) so here is my entry for 'Sport'
Roping varmints is a classic cowboy sport, but what do you do when ya lasso something that just doesn't fit into your world view of the natural order. In other words- WUT THA HECK IS DAT ?
Well, it's a CHALUPA-CABRA, the Taco Bell secret ingredient that we were never meant to find out about. Who knew ?
Well, I did...
good god kiddo, you're twisted! (but i'm sure that's not new news!:D) thank god we don't have too many taco bells up here, i don't think i'd ever be able to eat there again without laughing hysterically and getting kicked out...everybody should copy this, visit their local restaurants, and hang the image in all the bathroom stalls!...if everybody from IF did this all over canada and the u.s., and anywhere else taco bell is located, surely it would make the news, and we all can sit back and giggle
Glad I made you giggle, Kerry ! Taco Bell had it coming, I've gotten bad orders and bad service and bad food on more than a few times. Diarrhea is not my idea of fun. I prefer Little Caesars pizza.
The copy and hanging of this image is a great idea! I give lurkers permission to do just that.
But, if money is earned, please cut me in for at least a third of any profits made ! :-)
Run ! It's the media !
* Giggle * !
I am just glad that my husband is forbidden to eat those taco bells and we don't have the same chains over here. I will not be surprised to see your illustration in one of those chains just in case it will be copied-you've done a nice illustration once again!
This is a delightful illustration, Steve.
It does not have some good associations for me this week, though. Will explain in email I'm still getting around to sending.
Oh! In the backwards way that I have, I just now read the story. My cousin told me once what the secret ingredient in Taco Bell was, but it is way too disgusting to mention.
We could only wish it was a mere demon goat.
Taco Bell the forbidden resturaunt ! Do you twist his ear when he tries to go in there, Isay ?
Howdy doo, Miss Daze ! That's why it's usually best to cook your own food at home. Better quality control. Mention the secret ingredient anyway, the truth has gotta get out sooner or later...
all right, it's a plan...everybody print the illo and plaster it in the loos of your local taco bell...why the loos? cuz hopefully more customers would see it before the management does...after all, how often do they really clean those washrooms?!
i didn't know little caesars was still around... i used to love those bread sticks with the sauce! these days i get my pizza from the local family-owned's pretty fabulous! (dad makes secret trips to visit me in the city so we can order from there without mum knowing:D)
Oh, yeah ! Lil' Caesars is still kickin'. They haven't been bought out by Wal-Mart or Microsoft yet. Plenty of them down here in the states. You're talking about crazy bread and sauce, Kerry. I agree, good stuff !
Don't worry, I'll keep your dad's secret...
:-) Call him Mr. Original! Lov it!
Hiya Joe ! They broke the mold when I was born. Or...was it that I was born with mold on me...I can't remember...
nice usage of different line weights :)
Got to say, I love it!
Great drawing steve!
bAHAahaha, LoL so great!! ^-^ For a moment i thought u were wrong in the name (cause is chupacabras i mean xD) in the end i didnt understand ja, here whe donĀ“t have tacobells..snif snif..x^-^x
I'm so glad I don't eat fast food. And is that a fly swatter on his leg or just a design element?
Make that two that don't eat fast food. I guess cowboys are pretty fast with teir sport of lassoing. Hhehee tickled my funny bone once again Steve :)
I always loved the Venture Bros. episode where Dr. Venture tears apart the chubracabra myth. "Now, if we apply the same logic to the Catholic Church, something similar happens..."
Glad you noticed that Mpatrizio ! You've got a good eye!
Got to say thanx, James ! I had fun with this one!
Well Bana, I don't think you're missing much if you don't have any Taco-Bells where you live. A home cooked meal tends to be far superior.
My humor is an aquired taste. Glad you enjoyed my silliness.
Oh, that's a pocket and seam, Janey. I kinda doubt any fly swatter would have an effect on a Chupacabra, let alone a Chalupa-cabra.
And I suggest against trying !
Making people giggle is something I enjoy, Anonymous. It's healthy !
Oh, hell ! I remember that episode ! Isn't that the one where he is speaking english to a spanish speaking class ? Those are great cartoons ! I luv the one that parodies The Fantastic Four ! The screaming guy that catches fire when exposed to air cracked me up cause he also made the Thing-like guy scream as well. Lunacy at its best, Tony !
My favorite (but short lived) villian was "manic 8 ball" who- dressed in black- would shake his body up and down until his reply would appear in a triangle on his chest.
Hey, that's great! I had a flick through your blog too; some really fun stuff!
ew. now if i ate taco bell i would be really disgusted.
great illo.
Hey, I remember that villian, Tony ! He was killed in his first and only appearance along with Girl Hitler and some cat dude. Tiger balm, tiger bomb. Say, did you ever see the Christmas special where it was all a dream and included some monster of christmas past who captured children ? Weeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrd !!!
Thank you very much, Stikman ! I try to entertain my guests...
That's why there is Pizza ! Yum, Erika !
Not only that, Bertha, if you bring in 30 proofs of purchase- you get a free withering glare from the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot !
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