Illustration Friday 'Metropolis'

At first I had the thought to do something from the 'Metropolis' animated film from Japan (see earlier post I did weeks back) but decided against that. Then I thought about Superman and his city 'Metropolis', but I've already done a superperson theme (see ComicChic). Lotsa ideas popped into my teeny tiny brain. But I wanted something fun and cute.
What's fun and cute about big cities ?
BAM !!!
Think SMALL cities !
That was fun and cute.
Now I want every lurker out there to watch your step, not because the ant community is vulnerable (cause it's not, it's made o' cement, Nyah Nyah !!!) but because a lotta itty bitty ants are sunbathing and they don't want your human footsies to block the sun.
I will forever allow ants to sunbake Steve. Fun and cute :)
You are a good soul, Anonymous! If you look closely, you can see them smile and wave at you...
first glance, i thought it was one of winnie the pooh's friend but thinner....sori! anyway good idea steve-i would also love to see them sunbaked and not hiding under the soil and concretes in the garden! what's in the suitcase?
aww how cute. man i always wonder what kind of havic they go through when someone like me accidentally steps on their homes. kool drawing and nice take on the topic!
Contained in that suitcase are the super secret plans for the next 30 planned picnics in the various parks in Kalamazoo, Isay. Winnie The Pooh is busy annoying the bees...
Don't worry Chacha, what you are stepping on are actually holograms cleverly placed to fool humans into thinking that we have stomped some ants. Ants are smarter than we think, heck-look at all the movies about them...
I love minature versions of things. Great drawing!
I've always liked looking at the tiny furniture and accessories available in hobby shops and craft stores, Joanne. The details are sooooo neat!
Glad I put a smile on your face, Jonquille ! They ants say that you are cute too !
I really like it! it´s fun ! :)
Thanks for posting on mine.. so.. do you understand spanish? :P
I´d like to know where SuperPaperMan is x) Is there any kind of signal to make him come? ;)
Have a nice day!
Do ants have a sense of smell? I rather hope not, or "human footsies" could potentially be even more devastating than previously thought.
Loved your illustration! *G*
Sorry Veronica, I can't speak Spanish, only English and R'lyehian. Maybe a lil' Latin too.
SuperPaperMan can sometimes show up when you get a papercut, outch ! He (sometimes She) comes out of nowhere to hand you a bandaid, and when you are not looking, some other random good deeds.
Have a great weekend !
They just pop off their exo suits and skinny dip and lay on the beach, Bertha. (that's why you never see ants with tan lines...)
They have built in filters, Aravisarwen. But they still appreciate the occasional washed tootsie!
Thanx bright eyes !
Reminds me of the ant-farm shaking in the "educational" animal show in "UHF" "Oh yeah- they really hate it when you do... THIS!"
LOL ! That's the movie starring Weird Al Yankovic ! You rock ,Tony ! I luv that movie!
Badgers ! Badgers ?!?
We don't need no stinking Badgers !!!
ah've just got a big squishy heart, doncha! this is super-cute...i was just giving wee nicola a tutorial on ants this afternoon, i'll have to show her this so she knows where the tiny ones live!
Hey Kerry ! I try to balance the cute stuff with the weird stuff when I can. Tell Nicola the Fancy Ants say 'Hi !!!'
Let her know that the ants will leave any picnics she has from now until next Friday alone. But after that her sandwich and cola are fair game !
A great take on this week's theme, Steve. By the way, is the returning ant carrying a laptop? Or a samples case?
Hiya, Mick ! Nope it's a briefcase, containing picnic charts, maps, and slides.
Oh, yeah...and a lunch bag containing a corned beef sandwich on rye with provalone cheese and mayo. And a 3 Muskateers candy bar.
mmmmmmmm...corned beef! you forgot the mustard! (naughty naughty!) unfortunately my wee nicola will have moved to the far reaches of BC by then, never to be seen so sad. no more corruption, or at least sporadic. how on earth do i bring her up to be as disturbing as possible to her parents with only minimal interference?hmm...will have to move.
Fantastic !!!
great illo - i love the briefcase and hat!
i chose ants as well
Oh Boy! Is that where we are going?
Looks like fun.
He looks like he's a county boy heading for the big city. Do I see a drawing of his little house? Do I see his family? Do I see -- oops. I have to be more careful where I step.
It's a great idea, love it! Only wished I've thought of it myself ;)
Actually ... Janey has something there (other than squished ant soles). He is relocating from a vegetable patch where houses are made from food - to the great city of sand pit!
Make sure Nicola has your blog address so she can visit you in the virtual realm, Kerry ! That way you two can continue to be naughty and silly. Actually I consider the outside world to be corrupting, not the other way around. Just look at what large amounts of MTV does to youngsters who watch it.
Thanx, Rowantree ! The lil' ants are cheering all of you for the attention you are giving them !
I'm gonna share a secret with you Alison Ashwell, I was originally going to draw him wearing a tie as well. I wanted it to be flapping in the wind as he runs, but then I thought that would be too much distraction among his multiple arms. So I nixed the idea and left it alone.
Get out your super-reduction-ray, Miss Daze! And don't forget your sun tan lotion ! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
Here'z a levitation belt, Janey ! Now you can float around and get real close looks at the amazing MetroAnts (not to be confused with the amazing MetroGnome...)
Don't worry, Polar. You'll think o' something snazzy real soon, I can feel it !
Very perceptive Anonymous and Janey! He got a promotion and is moving up the ant hill of success. And still no sign of AntEaters...
are two year olds using computers these days? i suppose they are, eh?! kids are going virtual younger and younger. it'll be the next thing in non-verbal language...being able to type "mummy, i need a clean nappy". or email "daycare sucks, pick me up". they'll be scary little critters!
Ooops, I didn't know she was only 830 days old, Kerry! So sorry ! Well, maybe she's a genius and can dance circles around us with the computer.
Just wait til she starts doing your taxes !
that'd be great if she does my taxes (i've already taught her to set the table and serve her auntie dinner, so i'm sure her CGA is only months away:D) cuz i hate doing them myself. (that was dumb, who doesn't!) maybe you can train your ants to do yours!
Oh, sweet deluded Canadian. U.S. tax laws make it impossible for intelligent creatures like ants to understand. The only people who can routinly practice tax filings in America are certified tax preparers (Aliens from outer space who have a lotta time on their hands).
We are insane here, we don't even understand our own laws...
i always thought accountants were other-worldly! don't trust such unassuming people...that's why my current one is as rambuncious as the rest of la familia. not sure how good an accountant he is though! just found out i have to pay the government yet again this year...not sure why they always pick on me...i don't even have a job, only do volunteers work!
i think i probably know more about your legal system than ours though...all those US crime dramas. one thing i applaud the US for is your sentencing...if you've heard of Karla Homolka you'll understand why our sentencing laws are right screwy.
cheers dudelie,
You are constant suprise love it!
Is there a minimum amount of taxes you have to pay your government each year, Kerry ? How can you owe money if you have no income ? That's odd...
Yeah, we seem to have a glut of crime dramas on tv nowadays, although just this week I seem to be getting interested in this CSI craze, it's actually rather good writing. Although the main characters are still kind of snotty to each other just like a million other tv shows. Drama does not necesarily mean being unpleasant amongst supposedly adult-mature characters. *SIGH*
Karla Homolka ? Wasn't she the psycho chic who helped her husband kill two women (one of whom was a family member I think) ? She served a short prison sentence and just got released a few weeks ago. Wasn't she heading for the western part of Canada ? Better lock your door, Kerry ! I don't hear about much crime from Canada, but damn this case is freaky!
Be safe dudette !
Thanx Joe ! I like to throw curve balls, dude. Most people have to deal with nasty suprises, so I like to give pleasant suprises. Or at least ambivilent suprises (is that possible ?)
ha, she's not moving west. to even visit her parents in the next province she has to notify official. but yes, she's the sicko that helped hubby dearest kill three people, one of which was her own sister, who she drugged so he could rape her. lovely. and now she's out and about, whereas if she was convicted in the US she'd still be locked up where she belongs.
love those crime shows where i learn scientific me the "drama" is just background nonsense. love how they explain the whys and hows of things, and show the hands-on stuff.
unfortunately we're heavily taxed on investment interest, and write-offs that i would normally get for being gimpy have been recently nixed. but i still find it amusing getting a bill for the government every year, it's not like i live in grandeur!
Well, lock your door anyway, Kerry. Better to be safe than sorry. If she were in the American prison system the other inmates would probably have maimed her by now, if she even managed to survive to this point.
Star Trek and Farscape and X-files were my weakness while other people watched crime dramas. Well, also Xena and Tom & Jerry cartoons. NYPD Blue was too grim. Law and Order was too dry. The Shield actually was interesting to watch. But due to the glut, storylines will start to overlap and become repetitive. It's hard to find fresh material when everybody is doing the same thing. Sorta like the glut of reality tv shows. They keep getting worse. What's the newest one...I Want To Be A Hilton ? Awful, simply awful.
Sounds like it's time to get some new representatives in your government. I'm a fine one to talk, I'm dealing with my own country and it's exactly the same problems. Corruption and blind eyes. Blah !!!
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