De Men Tia

This is a special Illustration'JAMES'Friday. His word is 'Dementia'. Which I mischeiviously butchered, an act that I think James will appreciate. If you want to participate (and I know you do, I can hear you breathing) just click on the James Mathias link above and show off your stuff !
lol, good one!!
love it!
now see this is what it's about!
I'm glad you approve, James ! I hope therez more entries to bolster your lunacy...
we shall see.
I just hope pee-na-lope doesn't bann me fromt he normal IF because I am so rebel.
Don't worry, dude. I'll sneak you some food and water when the Warden isn't lookin'.
Hssssst ! Look out, art patrol is coming !
Hide the computer screens !
nice guy you are! you have to come back to my site, i've also done some other illo!
Ok, I couldn't resist. I added one, too.
It's the shopper who's demented isn't it?
Give me some time Isay, I'm becoming too popular ! I'll be there in a sec !
That's soooo Kewl of you Miss Daze ! James will luv you for this ! Plus I know that subject would pique your interest...
Yeah, Anonymous, malls can do that to frequent shoppers...
You can never be too popular or skanky. Just ask Paris Hilton.
You can never be too thin or too stupid. Just ask Paris Hilton.
You can never be too rich or even richer. Just ask Paris Hilton.
While you are visiting other sites, Steve, you really should wander over to Anon's. I'd almost think there was a ghost haunting her black and white display, but I'm sure it is nothing more than a empty puff of wind.
South Park had an episode about her, they called her 'Stupid Spoiled Whore' and her personalized stores were called the same thing. I'll check out her site now, Miss Daze.
Wait, Anon is a girl?
hmmm, we learn something everyday.
also, I wish I were as popular as steve.
Guess I'm just not funny enough.
Ah oh, James. You asked a bad bad question. Anon is now going to be plucking out the hairs of your furry chinny chin chin.
I always thought Anon was a women, but for a while I wondered if Steve wasn't rilly a teenage girl. And come to find out - he is!
Steve is so popular because he likes his tummy scratched and wears salad for underwear. Can't help lovin' dat man.
James ... you asked a VERY BAD QUESTION!!!
Wait, Steve isn't a teenage girl?
wait what question was bad, and why was it bad?
Bit slow isn't he Miss Daze ... we should get MizzKyttie around to Steve's also ... best James concentrates on trying his best to be a "there" dad and make the most of wallowing in his random day in June. Later.
I'm not sure if you're giving me a hard time in jest and fun, or if you are deliberately making fun of me, either way I'm not sure it feels good.
You are SOOO funny James (really)cause like that that would be so un fair. whatever. lol ;)
Oh my. James, please don't hold Steve responsible for any of this. It is nothing but a bunch of lunacy running amuck. And don't take it to heart.
You feel unpopular? Steve made a whole post for me, sending his beloved readers over to my site to give me some luv because I was having a bad time of it. He even made a big deal out of it by annoucning that my "fan club" was waiting for me. And you know what? Only he and Anon showed up. The humiliation. hee hee Now that is my type of popularity.
Oh, and regarding the "bad" question. Anon gets a bit prickly whenever someone assumes she is a guy. From a female standpoint, I can't say I blame her.
And you should see what they say about me. I'm a tomato and have tentacles and a lumpy butt and now I look like a troll and I'm always getting threatened with a paddle...and I don't even remember what else. Just good clean fun.
Oh, No ! James ! What have you done ? Now Anonymous will be teasing you now ! Didn't you notice that her stick-figures all wear dresses ?
Mmmmmm ! She'll be after you now...
Lemme post something fer ya, buddy. Maybe all that is needed, James, is a lil' advertising...
Yeah...I'm a teenage chic with a dick. I admit it ! I rilly am. Honest !
My tummy is ticklish, but my undergarments are not edible Miss Daze. You'll just have to wonder about what color they are...
I feel all warm and fuzzy now!
Anon is growling, run !!!
Don't get confused now, Anonymous ! You've come so far...
Oh, James ! Ya gotta pay attention ! You mean your wife hasn't filled you in yet ?
Sorry Anonymous. MizzKyttie tends to be swamped in work and home. She has very little time to spare, I'd luv to see her here more, but that is wishful thinking.
Just threaten to spank them, James, if they get too rambunctious. That usally works. They just tease you for fun, no malicious behaviour here. They know better. I don't allow 'trolls' here, so you are safe.
This is a 'NO TROLL' zone. Just ask MizzKyttie, she patrols her blog too to prevent 'trolls'.
I have spoken.
Sounds like Anonymous is trying to apologize to you James. We'll see if she means it...
See James, Miss Daze is also just having a lil' fun ! I'll hook you up soon, dude...
Anonymous has been picking on Miss Daze lately, so maybe you'll be safe, James.
Thanx Tres Cee ! I think Anonymous is blushing somewhere in Australia...
Oh, Steve darling, you are back. What a relief. I feared you may have looked at all this and abandoned this blog then set up shop elsewhere under an alias.
Anon is no longer safe to allow to run loose at night. We must set-up a cage for her. And she keeps picking on my nose, which is not unsanitary.
Ahem, Steve! When has the threat of a whoopin' ever made me cower? hmmmm?
ACK! I meant is MOST unsanitary. ha ha....
It's fun to have friends, Teresa ! Just as long as 'trolls' don't show up and ruin everything this blog will be just fine. So far so good ! I've got my fingers crossed. Everybody has been a doll( plural ), as far as I can tell.
I've already threatened to spank her, you should also put that threat over her head. A double fanny whacking should keep her in line!
Oh, I don't SEEM to behave yourself around ME...
That's OK, MD ! Sometimes my typing gets the better of me as welllllllllll.
If I do "SEEM" to, it has nothing to do with paddles. OK? I have a soft spot in my little old cold heart for you Steve. And you would make a fabulous pet!
OH. Wait a second. I need to turn the tables on you for a second. Are Anon and I not fab, too? huh?
NOW you decide to stick up for me Miss Daze? It must be your other face that has THE NOSE.
Why this obsession with my nose?
Why this obsession with vegetables?
Someone please answer my questions!!
I don't know, paddles sure keep me in line, Miss Daze. Hmmmm. I haven't started to thaw out your heart yet ? You sure seem warm to me...
And I would make an EXQUISITE pet...
You are both FAB !
Be nice, Anon. Teresa will turn on you soon...
You are an EXQUISITE pet Steve XOX
Put it behind you, Miss Daze. It's better not to keep fanning the flames of verbosity...
Steve is right ... you are SUCH an EXQUISITE ...
I'm glad you agree with me, Anonymous ! What other kind of pet could it be ? None other.
Steve go see Miss Daze's exclusive elitist snotty club!
ANONYMOUS !!!! What did I tell you !?!
OK, wherez that paddle !
A pets work is never done !
Apologize to Teresa...
ME ... Apologize to Teresa? Better go see what she is up to ...
I'm not fanning, I was just asking for some simple answers. Why is that so wrong?
Did you say "poodle" or "paddle"?
What I'M up to...sheesh. I'm taking away your VERY.
Steve is such a sweet pet to put up with you.
And I don't recall ever giving either one of you permission to call me by my first name.
So sorry Miss Daze ... SUCH AN EXQUISITE BITCH!
I have also submitted to James's Alternate Friday :) It's under his "Ok, I warned you" post!
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