Illustration Friday 'Black and White'

Today is Friday the 17th. Mark this day. It's the day that Illustration Friday came up with an intriguing subject ,'Black and White'. This piqued my imagination. I thought...y'know, what would it be like if a Wraith decided to explore the alien worlds of the universe ? And what would it look like ? Hmmmmmmm.
Well, there probably wouldn't be a lotta color. It would be kinda stark and faded, like an old B & W photo. The bright sunlit skies of Earth would receed into the distance as you journeyed outward toward the stars...possibly to meet other Wraiths from Extraterrestrial worlds. The near absolute zero cold of outer space wouldn't affect you. The near vacuum of deep space might feel a little odd. Radiation might feel like a light tickle. And the speed that you would travel could potentially exceed that of the limits of light.
What would you find ? Ruined worlds littered with crumbing buildings devastated by nuclear war ? Thriving civilizations that span entire super-clusters of stars by using Far-Caster teleportation gateways ? Primitive settlements ?
Maybe you'd find creatures that look radically different from yourself, or perhaps they will look remarkably like yourself...
Kinda puts all the obnoxious and backward attitudes about race, gender, sexuality, religion, and age in perspective, huh ? It's all 'Black and White' after a while...
kind of like a thunderbolt!
electric and shocking :)
-have a great weekend, -patty
Glad I gave you a tingle, Patty ! KABOOM !!!
I hope your weekend is groovy too !
Chilly, oooooh. I'm not going to tell you what I think it looks like but...
I loved this topic, also. You KNOW I loved it. I couldn't decide on what to go with...just ended up with something unexpected.
Love black and white illustration. Great job, my dear Steve.
You can speak your mind here, Miss Daze. We're all adults. ( I think, maybe I should post a disclaimer...)
This subject matter is right up your alley. Give us that old Belle Jest magic One-More-Time !
Thanx for the warm compliment, sweetie !
great drawing...
but as far as the topic this week, I disagree. It's a color scheme not a topic. I am going to post my alternate topic now.
heya steve. this one is awesome, nice and mysterious. i thought the same thing when isaw the black and white topic, wow actually something i can get really creative with. eventhough i think i have a piece ive already done that will fit perfectly that im very proud of. so well see. like this one though! :)
it came to my thoughts also but i resent doing an sketch because because the second idea which is about my niece came up and it made me glad afterwards...anyway, you had a nice way of writing your story--it was kinda excitin'....we hope it will not happen.... well, you've always been great with black and white!.... have fun this weekend!
That is spiffy beyond words. I always wondered what names the Ring-wraiths had. I decided one should be Lenny. Lenny the Ring Wraith. Your drawing is pretty darn groovie.
I'll be there soon, James ! Can't wait to see what you've dreamed up ! I'll bet it's a doozy !
I wonder if it's gonna be a big word...
Dark and mysterious is exactly what I was lookin' for in the response from viewers, Chacha !
Yu win th' prize !
Here is an imaginary cigar for ya !
( it's made of chocolate, don't panic ! )
Glad you enjoyed the story I added under it, Isay ! I felt it was appropriate to the subject matter. Sorta like prepatory filler.
Maybe I'll win a million dollars this weekend, after all the wellwishers who granted me a great weekend.
Just so you know, Tony, the RingWraiths are led by Lenny, followed by his brother Darrell, and his other brother Darrell. They're all from Vermont. The other Wraiths were just animatronic dummies on loan from Disneyworld. One of them kept saying 'Four score and..."
OK, Anja...what's going on here ? Is there sssssomething I ssssshould know about ? Are the female visitors being naughty again ?
* SIGH *
I'll go get the paddle...
You know, it's black and white that Wraiths are here on Earth now! I'm related to one - they suck all that life out of you. The Earth ones ARE friendlier because they let you be before collasping into dust so you can once again build strength to be absorbed. I REALLY like this one Steve and we know you are a Master at Balck and White :)
You're gonna make me blush, Anonymous ! Even the Wraiths around here are startin' to blush.
This is neat - reminds me of a creature from Outer Limits (the original of course). And you can't blush - it's not appropriate - this is a black and white topic.
Ooooo ! I luv those original B&W Outer Limits and Twillight Zone episodes, Janey !
As for blushing, maybe my cheeks can get all crosshatched...
very imaginative steve! i'm not having much luck...any ideas are fleeting and overdone. and of course the girls are's a common misconception that only men are pigs...what do you think the ladies in their parlours of yesteryear chatted about? the size of their husbands cigars of course!
wish me inspiration
It's not frightening so much as dangerous and intriguing. Really wonderful.
Hi Steve,
Very bold, dynamic and dramatic. This is terrific illustration.
I've tried to visit your blog several times over the past few days, Kerry and I kept getting getting shut out by your Xanga host. They said something about being down, but not for how long.
For inspiration, think of something that makes you angry vrs what makes you happy. That's black&white!
That's why spankings work for both genders, even in Canada (that's means you'll get spanked if you don't get inspired soon) :-D
Don't work too hard, it looks like a nice weekend!
Yeah, I just have ta push the envelope once in a while, Aravisarwen. Eerie art can be fun !
Thanx for the compliment, Mick!
Cheers !
That's an awesome picture, but it really needs at least one buxom furry...
Seriously, I'm impressed. This is very good!
Oh, My, Gawd ! Jas Faulkner is a fellow Anthro/Furry fan ! You should click on the Skunkworks link in my Summoning section, James Hardiman and Desiree Lee are awesome !
See you in the furry...I mean funny papers !
Far out man!
Holy Moe, It's Joe ! Man, I gotta get to your site, I'm late! Be right there !
omg i am the winner!!!! oooo and a chocolate cigar for a prize, what more could i ask for?!?!?
thanks for the advice steve, i think it'll prove helpful. i checked up on the xanga updates, and supposedly you can post new comments now...
yes, we're very equal opportunity up here in canada, after all we've been importing jamaican strippers and exporting hardworking successful families. i think that the immigration officials are due for a pie.
Don't forget to ask for PIZZA, Chacha ! It's almost as good a money ! Mmmmmm. Pepperoni and black olives on mine please...
I'll stop by soon, to see if xanga will let me hang around fer awhile. Sounds like you should add some spankings to that pie. And send one with attachments here to America while you're at it, Kerry. We keep bleeding away jobs at a frightening pace. We don't mind sending them to Cananda, trade with you is good, could be better if polititians on both sides would start to behave themselves.
If things don't start gettin' better soon, I may have to start stripping in Cananda next to those Jamaican ladies. See you on the stage...
i think our politicians like spankings too much...might be a treat for them. let me know when your next gig in vancouver is though! i'll be sure to you think you'll go for a "theme"? i've always liked the "naughty librarian":D
i'd like it if they figured the softwood lumber and beef b.s. figured out...too many of my old buds from up north (yes, i'm a former cowgirl!) are losing their livelihood. never mind that our local government is against us actually treating the wood here, instead opting to export the work overseas, then buying it on earth is that sensible? there are so many millworkers here on the dole that would be happy for a chance to work again.
had the day from no painting for me today...maybe better luck tomorrow!
cheers luv,
hmmm im not a big fan of the black olives, but i will substitute them for onions, and its gotta be the thin crispy crust. mmmmm. damn now thats a pie.
It'll either be a 'naughty librarian' or a 'french maid', Kerry.
You've lost woodmills, we've lost paper mills. Maybe career politiians should be forced out and new elections instituted (keep them cheap-free tv time-to ensure that ALL people get a chance) so that we can get new blood and ban the old blood. As for spanking them, if you do it right-even a hard core submissive can be made to be very unhappy.
Sorry you had such a poopy day ! Herez wishing you good luck !
OK, Chacha. We'll hold the black olives and onions. It will be thin crust (and the pepperoni will be crispy) with extra cheese (the good stuff, many types) with parmesian sprinkled on top.
Mamma Mia !
That's a tasty treat !
Hiya Bertha ! Don't be too scared ! Think of it as a gothic adventure !
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
hey luv,
i need you to come up here so you can spank campbell nice and hard! bizarre thing is that he's trashing teachers, and his wife's one. i guess he's looking for a divorce. she's probably been giving him a hard time since his drunk driving conviction.
you're losing paper mills cuz of the lack of raw'd think bush would fix things, having a more productive economy would look so much better for him, but we all know what a simpleton he is.
just ignore my may go on for a while. i'm not normally so cranky...and not being content makes me even crankier! ha ha...
cheers luv,
I'll bring my paddle, Kerry. I will even paint Campbells name on it with an unhappy face next to it.
Y'know, the people we need like teachers, police, firefighters, nurses, and soldiers never get the pay nor the appreciation nor the tools to do their jobs. They are a vital part of our infrasturctures. Yet some of the highest paid jobs are in the governments, this is due to elected officials being able to increase their own income just by voting on it at midnight. Too bad we can't get away with that kinda legerdemain.
Bush doesn't care about America or Canada or the world, all he cares about is the status quo, and taking risks with other peoples resources and lives. He's playing Napoleon and we are unwilling chess pieces. If it keeps up, foreign investors will call in our debt and then things will get real ugly. Hopefull Hillary Clinton will squeak by with a presidental win, I'm not a big fan of hers, but she's better than the alternative.
Too bad Jennifer Granholm can't run for prez, but she's was born in Canada and our laws won't allow it. But then if she could run, then so could Arnold Shwarztenagger, and that would be a disaster. Just look at what he's doin' to California.
Herez a hug Kerry * HUG ! * Hope things get better for ya soon.
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