Illustration Friday 'Nourishment'

Nice and cool, wet and refreshing...
But that's enough about me, I should talk about this contribution to Illustration Friday: 'Nourishment'. I'll get right to the construction process. First, get a plastic drinking container, draw it, ink it, sign and date it. Second, scan it, open Photoshop, create layers. Clean up image, airbrush some blue on a couple of layers (random sprays) then a lil' green too, reduce some of the opacity. Follow this by using the filter 'Ocean Ripple' on airbrushed layers, Erase around cup and signature (which have been reverse selected) to let lower layers peek through, add a few details to blanks spots around cup. Flatten image.
Now, drop the dpi to 72, reduce the image size to about 5" X 4", save as a jpeg to your desktop. Close Photoshop, open Transmit, upload 'Nourishment' file to webspace, close Transmit, open browser and scoot on over to blogger 'Post' and...hey wait !
Here I Am.
Now isn't that just a lil' too real for ya ?
Go ahead, have a taste. (The straw, not me you sillies)
Hi Steve, Great Illo, I love the textures on the glass, and I really liked that you walked us through all the steps to create and post it. Cool and informative. Say, do you know about Picasa, and Hello, both are free from google, and together they will post and resize to your eblog so that you don't have to do a save for web in photoshop, you can save the jpg at a larger size and resolution and "picasa" and "hello" will resize while posting. I LOVE them also for sending photos to friends, since it resizes and I don't have to worry about sending a honking huge photo.
Holy guacamolie, Jacquelynn ! I just posted this image a few seconds ago ! You musta teleported here directly from the transporter room of the Enterprise. Thanx for the heads up about Picasa and Hello ! See what happens when artists volunteer information, everybody wins!
sweet! i love me some cool textures and colours. the glassy texture overtop is like looking through one of those bathroom windows popular in the 70's!
One day the 70's will come back and my illustration will be remembered fondly, Kerry. Until then, here it is. :-)
Well that's alot of info and well that glass is just too cool. And why didn't you tell me to try texture? Ok, so now I'm going to draw something with texture and I won't be able to say Mr. Pencil said so but maybe I will anyway!
Art is an adventure and it never has a stopping point where you say 'well, nothing left to do'. So, Janey, back to the desk for further experimenting ! Oh, yeah...Texture Texture Texture !
I like the crosshatching. But you didn't tell us what's in the glass!
Hang on to your seat, Kerry...
The glass contains:
Moonbeams and Kitty Dreams
Sprinkles of Hope and Sweet Smelling Soap
A Dash of Fun and Giggles on the Run
Two Servings of Spice and Everything Nice
A Wink of My Eye and a Pixie's Sigh
...Oh, yeah,
And some milk mixed with ice cream in the blender for 12 seconds (no 13th second since today is Fri the 13th)
YUM ! :-D
The illustration is great but the Photoshop lesson is wonderful. I am trying to inspire my class of teenage girls - computing students - to do stuff with Photoshop. I will be pointing them to this entry. Many thanks.
Scratches & Scribbles
Glad to be of help, Robyn ! Encourage them to open their imaginations and play with Photoshop. It's good fun !
Why would I want to taste a straw? Is your cup empty? Does it not overfloweth?
You're so literal ! It is a magical cup that can never be drained (a gift from Loki) and it only cost a dollar. Problem is it tends to teleport around when it rains...
This is awesome, S. I want to take a big, long sip (insert sucking sound). *hugs*
Your a wright act ! Too funy!
Cool illo!
That was refreshing and welcome, Kymberlee! I feel quite warm now...
Not only am I a wright act, I'm left handed too, Joe ! :-D
It's cool and frosty, Polar. + frosty + polar...hmmmmmm. There's a connection somewhere, if I could only find a clue...
Telling me about Loki? hahahaha Remember, I am a Trickster Goddess...hmmm? You've stepped into my parlor, you know all about it.
so...we meet again, and again i'm in love with your illustration and and the contents of the glass are just too good!
and now that you've shown me yours, i'll show you mine ;) (just go to illustration friday and find me #34)
Yes, Miss Daze, you are a most gracious Deity within your parlour. But you sure like to nibble on my neck quite a bit...
Oh, look- blood...
Well met, Guisi ! Sit down, put your feet up, enjoy the night sky ! I'll check on your entry right now...
here's this one...just for you to help maintain the regularity!
You're so cool Steve, and I'm not. But I'm hot! Ttttssss. Cool illo man.
Groovie! It takes a special man to weave a basket-glass and not have anything spill through! Cheers!
Me, too. Appreciative of the Photoshop walk through.
You make me sweat, Anonymous! Someone crack a window !
Well Tony, I am special. But I used some magic and that's kinda cheatin' but I'm a brat so I'll pay for it later. :-)
Anytime Sultry, I like to share the secrets of art since about 1/2 of what I know was freely shared by other artists. It's sorta like farting, ya gotta share the joy. :-D
you made me thirsty:) very nice texture and colours ..
Have a great week!:)
Great use of different mediums. Thanks for detailing your process. what's inside...I think yummy milkshake.
Sometimes I like to do crazy detail, Bertha, just so that no one can tell where I screwed up. :-D
You have a great week too Nuray-Tulipland! Don't get dehydrated!
You're welcome Peapies! Mmmmm, a milkshake sounds great right now...
i LOVE this one! definately my kind of art. its got that feel to it, not sure what it is but i like it alot. the blue and green is a nice hint of color too. love the textures you chose on this one. very kool, A++ :)
Thanx for the A++ rating score, Chacha ! A lotta people like the textured work in this illustration, it's time consuming but worth it in the end.
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