
My friend Kevin got tired of all the 'cute' stuff that I've been putting on my blog lately and requested a Bad Ass Beast resting after battle. And since Kev is such a Bad Ass artist himself I just had ta do something he would be proud of. Lots a heavy lines, lotsa details, lotsa suggested violence. I coulda added a jungle grrrl ridin' on the Beasts back, but she woulda' been 'cute' and Kev distinctly requested Bad Ass Beast, not 'cute'. :-p
Glad you approve, dude. Cute will return shortly. ;-D
your sketches are great!
Hey cute is very nice thank you. I do like your monster (demon?). He(it?) reminds of those b/w '50 monster movies - Creature from the Black Lagoon sort of thing. Neat and those arrows look like they do hurt.
He does look bad! Like the veins and muscles, blood and saliva. Usually find cute difficult to swallow. Don't mind cute bad guys though.
Hey, thanx Isay, I drink up the luv from you all.
Yeah, this refuge from a Roger Corman movie set is kinda 50-ish in design, Janey. If you think those arrows hurt, you should see the person who shot them, not much left now...
Hmmmm. A cute bad-guy. That's an interesting idea, Anonymous. I might try something along that line o' thinking !
Actually, I think the BadAssBeast is rather cute. I like this kind of cute. More demon seed, too, please.
Tell you what, Miss Daze, I'm heading out to the Abyss after shopping in Sigil and I'll pick up some more Tanar'ri seeds while I'm there. Just gotta watch out for the Balors...
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