Illustration Friday 'Daring'

This week's illustration friday's topic is 'Daring', so since it's raining here currently I had an Eureka moment, and scribbled this lil' happy match who's just a tad bit too adventurous. Those dark skies look forboding and did I just see the flicker of distant lightning...?
Don't worry. Amber's mom showed up and convinced her to play indoors before anything sad happened. Right now there's a box of crayons being used liberally on some paper. Amber likes to draw. Too bad the paper keeps bursting into flame, maybe she should just use chalk and blackboards.
My mind is so silly.
It's perfect! Good job, steve.
Thanx Jason, I hope it goes over well with the others. I appreciate the compliment dude !
I bet those trees are a bit daring too, near that match and all!
Does she melt the crayons?
Thanks for the giggle
Hi Tony ! Those trees were pretty smug because they knew that it was gonna rain rilly soon. Amber's mom keeps the brick house air-conditioned so the crayons don't melt. But paper is usually in trouble. Glad I made ya giggle!
Daring is right, a little too close to the trees for comfort there. And I like the shadow and how come you're such an early poster? I'm still thinking about last weeks.
What a great idea for an illo. I really like the matchstick, seems like she could show up in other pic's, maybe even a cartoon. Nice illo, what software do you use? Very Best regards, Jacque
Nice work again steve, heh, that matchstick has a determined, yet cheeky grin on his face :)
that's one happy match! Love the expression!
You got me, Janey. Usually when I post a link to Illustration Friday therez like 15 - 20 people who beat me there. Guess everbody else was playing outside in the rain while I snuck in unobserved.
Why thank you Jacquelynn ! Lil' Amber is a real cutie. I use Photoshop 5.5 for my work, kinda old but it does the job. Cheers !
It's like this Roo, Amber's a lil' scamp but she's a good girl. Honest. Just a bit hot headed sometimes. :-)
I see you Blok. Are you describing Amber or yourself ? Hmmmmmmmm...
I think someone needs their hands slapped. :-D
Hiya Nik ! Amber is having a wonderful childhood and a healthy upbringing. That's why she's so well adjusted, as opposed to all the bad lil' matches in her neighborhood.
Mam you jumped on this one. LOL! Love it!
Cute! Great idea, story and photoshoppin', S. You know, I've known you a couple of weeks and this is the third time you've mentioned fire. And you're a water sign! What is UP with that? Must have something to do with burnin'. ;-)
Hey Joe, whadaya know...
Maybe I jumped because I got a 'hot-foot'! :-D
It's my favorite: Kymberlee !
Glad you like my hard work K. As for the whole 'fire' thang, I guess that's just been on my mind since the brushfire (it's actually raining a lot here so the ashes are no longer blowing into the house).
I hope you've got an image for 'Daring' this week !
Hey, Steve.
Just had to drop by and say "hello" and thank you for all the nice comments you've left for me.
As for matches, you should know they never behave. Just ask Smokey the Bear.
Say "hi" to Moose for me.
Great to see you again Miss Daze ! I've heard of Smokey the Bear but have you heard of Dusty the Lizard ? Neither have I, but matches were funnier than camels, so I went with my chuckle meter. As for 'moose', the answer came back: 42.
You've been firing ahead with your corner posts ... just went though archives to catch up! Very entertaining. I find matches scary around trees; evacuated most years because of fire danger. Your match is naughty looking, and very daring.
I hate it when my matches run off without asking like that. Go you.
Thanx for being a fan of the Corner series, Anonymous ! I'll try to post another one today (if blogger cooperates with me). Sounds like you live somewhere in California if you have to evacuate due to yearly fire threats...?
It's the mighty Enzyme ! Yeah, matches tend to have 'fiery spirits' for personalities. :-)
I would've left a comment earlier but I wanted to say something witty....but alas I'm dry in the repartee stakes. Just have to say nice concept and execution.
I like your illo.. nice thinking :) Good work! Have a great week..
That's high praise nontheless, Detlef. Thanx dude !
I hope you have a fabulous week also Nuray-tulipland ! I appreciate the luv!
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