Illustration Friday 'Summer'

Hello again ! As you can see, I decided to go with the crutch of humor once again. And I think this piece also will strike a chord with many people out there who suffer from 'Summer' allergies. Just think back-
Remember when your nose just wouldn't stop draining and the constant nasal mucous discharge made all food taste funny, made you sniff and snort every 30 seconds, and made you sound like you had a clothes-pin clamping your nose ?
And what was your solution ?
Yeah, you twisted up a kleenex and inserted it into the offending nostril to block both incoming pollen and dust, as well as halting any liquid rivers.
Make funny faces if you must, but the 'yuck' factor is justified today. Many of you suffer this malady, and I'm just airing out the dirty laundry. I've had outpatient surgery for a deviated septum (sinus allergy) many years back, so this is a distant memory.
You know who you are...
great illo steve! my husband have hay fever nowadays and i am beginning to sneeze a lot, too after working so hard in the garden yesterday, and seeing those unwanted plants(that have grown so high for the last few days)and tried pulling it that all the dusty soil came to my face and maybe inside my nose....yukkkk insects crawling inside my nose????......
I feel for ya, Isay. I felt like crap back then, constantly sneezing and always stuffed up.
Here, have a kleenex...
Hi Bertha ! Hope your poor nose can last through the non-winter months. It's still spring, and summer starts on the 21st.
Today is only the 10th !
Be strong !
hehe this is funny. thinking of joining the illo friday myself.. hmm..but im not good. lol. so much great talent you guys have!
Fabulous! As usual!
And here I thought there was a flower growing out of his nose!
Steve I LOVE this! It hits the mark instantly. Love the detail of the water faucet, too. But what the @#$% do you mean the "crutch of humor"! What do you mean CRUTCH? Humor IS the thing, humor is the CHI, and I'm talking life force here not that weak crappy tea that the foofoo coffee shops sell. Humor is the goal and you hit it big time. Really Great illo! Best Regards, Jacque
What do ya mean Atomicvelvetsigh ? I suck compared to some artists here. That doesn't mean that I can't belly up to the cartoon bar and strut my stuff. I'll hike up my cocktail dress and sashay in my pumps. Some of my art bombs, some of it makes a splash.
If I can do it, so can you. See YOU at illustration friday NEXT week !
BTW, does this make my butt look big...
Hey Jennifer, don't're fabulous too!
That's right, FAB !
Holy Tony ! It's Tony ! Be carful not to get too close T. That kleenex flower is a SQUIRTING kleenex flower...
Please don't yell, Jacquelynn ! You can spank me, but no yelling.
OK, maybe a lil' yelling.
But no shouting!
As for the humor thang. I need humor too. It's vital ! But I need to also do non-humorous art. Just ta balance thangs out.
Glad you liked the booger joke...
very clever :) im sure weve all had the summer allergies one day or another. i know i have and man do i feel like that kid with the snot rag hangin out of his nose!! hehe :)
Welcome to th' club, Chacha ! This is the hayfever hoedown and you can make yerself right at home. Sit a spell, and be miserable in good company.
Looks like gold, but it's s'not...
Great illo, though it makes my nose itch.
That must be my Subliminal powers of post Hypnotic suggestion, Violetismycolor. Now, nothing up my sleeve...PRESTO !
No doubt about, I gotta get a new hat...
Ok, Love the faucet and the sneakers are cool and let's bypass the tissue thing there. I'm allergic to everything including my three cats. Looking at this guy just makes my eyes itch and I think I'm starting to sniffle alittle. See, your drawing has an effect on people.
I'll get you a tissue, Janey! I didn't know my art had such an impact on you. Yeah, I rilly like how those sneakers turned out too.
I hear there's another hurricane coming, be safe, Janey !
Boy, this hits home. I just wrote a blog about my allergies...all I can say is THANK THE SCIENTIFIC GODS FOR CLARITIN-D!
aw, all you poor kids! the genetic fairy godmother saved all the allergies and asthma etc for my younger sister, i got off lucky. and jaquelynn's right steve, cuz laughter makes you live longer and healthier and i'm hoping that it'll someday get my figure back! hee ran away:D
Many of us are current or past allergy sufferers, Emily. Glad you have Claritin-D to help you!
Laughter IS the best medicine, Kerry! Well, that and dark chocolate. I think your figure just ran past me, shouldn't it be wearing clothes ?
Oh, my !
Hhheheeheeeee. Just taking your advice Steve. Love the snot, always funny:)
sweet drawing steve.
you need to get off blogger. crap software.
give me a shout i'll hook you up with something better.
This would be me in the Spring. Here I was selfishly pleased that Spring has passed and Summer is here at last, never thinking of Summer allergy people. Shame on me!
But great (and accurate!) illustration. :0)
nah, now that it's been set free you'll see it streaking brit footie fields, protesting fur, on the beaches of ibetha passed out from too many margs...NUDIES FOREVER :D
Hey Steve,I think you hit the Jack Pot!
Isn't snot amazing, Anonymous! It's stickier than glue and cheaper than dirt.
Glad I gave a a chuckle!
You gots my attention, James. I'll chat with ya later...
No shame necessary, Avarisarwen. Everybody suffers from something, somewhere along the line.
Nudies Forever ! Well, are you sure that would be a good thing, Kerry ?
OK, maybe we'll give it a try...
Howdy-do Joe ! Yeah, a lotta people seem to relate to this lil' idea o' mine. You could say 'the snot has hit the fan'!
of course it would be a GREAT thing! in moderation of course! just as long you do it in style:) wouldn't take you for a prude steve! hee hee....
i loooooove it, it's hilarious and i'm happy to say i can't relate to the feeling but if it makes you feel better i'll take off my shoes and run along the shore with you ;)
Don't worry about me, Kerry. I'm no prude (I'm too much of a deviant to be called that). I'm just wondering where I'll keep my keys and wallet...
My nickname for my poor sister Pam was "barksniff&grunt". The poor kid. But she kept me up all night!
Ok everybody, Guisi and I will be barefoot in the surf. Hold all calls.
WHEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry your sister kept you awake, Carolyn. I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose. I hope she is feeling better these days!
Oh poor little guy.. It is not funny to him as it is for us, isnt it?
In regards to your question about keys and a wallet, stick to frolicking with Guisi the answer involves handiwipes.
Don't worry, Rabia. He'll look back and laugh about it years from now...
Come join us, Anonymous! We'll all hold hands and have races with the seagulls. Mmmmmm. Cookouts on the beach and the roar o' the waves! Hey, look ! A conch shell!
Yuck factor aside, your drawing is excellant. Great lines.
just pat
It was yucky, but necessary, Pat. Someone has to deal with these subjects.
It's winter where I am, perhaps I could borrow this guy as blower vac to suck up the fallen leaves in my yard. I don't know where you get these ideas from.
LOL ! Ok, you can borrow him for leaf duty, Detlef. But you gotta empty out the leaves before you can return him.
this is a great interpretation! i don't suffer from allergies so this completely spaced this.
very cool!
Thanx for the compliment, Erika! I'll bet many of the people here would luv to share their allergy with you if you ask nicely...
I'm going through this right now, and always it seems.
So, this is a self-portrait of your childhood?
Excellent illustration, Steve, always excellent.
I'm going through this right now, and always it seems.
So, this is a self-portrait of your childhood?
Excellent illustration, Steve, always excellent.
I wanted to be number 50 Miss Daze :( Steve, when you wake up, Miss Daze posted twice ... not fair! WAKEUP STEVE Miss Daze needs some luv and I want to be number 50! Readers, if you are awake please visit Miss Daze, she has an amazing new website go see!
Welcome back Miss Daze ! We missed you !
Yeah, I suffered the old allergy routine. Sinus headaches and stuffiness.
Hope your allergy goes away soon!
Hmmm. I always thought that being 21 is much better than being 50. I wish I were 21 again.
I'll assume that you are 21, Anonymous. That'll make things easier.
You must be the reason I woke up at 3:19 this morning. You've gotta be clearer when you give me psychic commands! I'm usually in the Dreamlands doing buisiness in Ulthar around that time. The Great Library there is pretty big, and I still gotta find the right places for 18 books.
See ya at Belle Jest !
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