Valusian Infiltration

The Serpent People are awakening from their eons long slumber. They still remember the human race that they battled with for supremacy over the continent of Hyperborea. Their plan to hibernate for a few hundred years deep within their underground city of Valusia ( or as we call it 'Irem-city of pillars' which is but ruins aboveground ) in the Arabian desert, failed to work properly. Far more time has passed than they anticipated.
But, the humans have largely forgotten about this race of Ophideans, and that will be what the Serpent People wanted. Now they can recite ancient spells of Illusion and drink potions of eldrich alchemy to cover themselves in a deception. This deception will allow them to walk among us, to seem like they are humans, to live as our neighbors.
This glamour will be nearly perfect. It will fool our eyes and we will see only what we want to see...just another human. Not a 5 foot tall bipedal intelligent scaly Snake, but a filthy stinking primate (Human). Only one flaw exists besides the odor of reptile, and that is the shadow. For while the Valusians can don the likeness of our appearance, their shadows remain true to their heritage as the children of the Ancient One called YIG -father of serpents. By this shall ye know them.
"They walked lithely and sinously erect on pre-mammalian members, their pied and hairless bodies bending with great suppleness. There was a loud hissing of formulae as they went to and fro." Clark Ashton Smith, 'The Seven Geases'.
Don't believe the 'reflection' of your own species, it could lead to your sorrow...
Illustration Friday, August 19, 2005.
This is one of your best illustration. There's so much to see and are very detailed. I also enjoyed reading your story esp. the last part "Don't believe the 'reflection' of your own species, it could lead to your sorrow..."
This is so magnificent! You are SO talented and creative. I don't mind co-mingling with serpents so much. Serpents can be a lot of fun. ;-)
Thank you for always being so sweet and supportive with me. I hope you are well, my friend. *kiss*
this finally explains all those ex-boyfriends of mine!:Dknew something was up...
great illo steve, wonderful that inspiration has returned! and narcissis would be proud...all those detailed sketches of perfect form (including buttocks, eh?!) just to be sure all's too shiny and pretty to cause speculation
Thanx Isay ! It was a lot o' work but the effort was worth it. I wanted to try doing the 'flexible scales' technique again. Most artists will draw scales that are flat and never stick out, that's fine but seeing those scales poking out is visually interesting and I like drawing them like that once in a while.
We all wear masks, what's important is what is under that mask...
I couldn't agree more with isay's comment...this is one of your better drawings. Your progressing quite nicely. Too, the story is wonderful!
Howdy do, Kymberlee ! Welcome back !
Humans and Serpents have had a very rocky relationship usually ending in war and naughty language. A lasting peace and possible co-mingling would be preferable.
We shall see.
You're welcome, kiddo ! Glad to give some comfort and pep talk.
They were all Snakes In The Grass, Kerry. Beat them with a stick ! Use harsh language ! Narrow your eyes !
Hey ! Not at me !
Yeah, I like the buttocks too. Oh, the ones in the illustration too...
Glad you enjoyed it, Mick ! The inspiration bug was strong with this one. I hope the lil' bug stays around a lil' bit longer...
Nice illo and interesting story! I wonder, do the Valusians have belly buttons? If so do they have piercings? Can we really sniff them out, or are they here to stay? Do dogs know the difference.....ah, I bet they do. Everyone!!!!GO GET A DOG.
Sorry Ginger, the Valusians are born from leathery eggs, not live birth. As a result, they have no belly-buttons to pierce or otherwise use for decorative jewelry like Humans can.
One other way to detect them is the fact that they have a lisp and hissing quality to their speech patterns. But then that could also be a Human with a cleft palate or hair lip. Be careful !
Having a dog is a great idea, but having a CAT is a better one. Cats are our secret allies...
that explains my kitty's behavior...she used to stand on my chest and hiss when my ex came to bed...i thought it was hilarious, my ex not so much!
big stick, eh?! watch out boys! i may get a little carried away...
Sounds like your kitty knew something you didn't, Kerry. Time to talk to your kitty and learn some secrets about the universe. Or at least about what's around that next metaphysical corner...
Maybe you should carry Two sticks. Twice as nice.
I think I'm in trouble...I have a lithp.
I also have a lisp once in a while, if I'm not careful. But kitty kats like me so I'm safe, Ginger. Elephants seems to like you so that means you are safe too.
Although the whole dragon thing is kinda suspicious...
This is a wonderful image Steve ... I would like to see a whole comic book now!!! Very impressed by his sticky out scales. Do believe the poster of the buttocks is instruction on correct spanking technique and the mask poster is incorrect - it should be normal human face or invisible (or is this what they think of our faces?)
Been there, done that, Anonymous. Comic books in stores for the independent artist is pretty much dust in the wind. Too expensive and no distribution unless you wanna be in debt for the rest o' your life.
Glad you approve of my rendition of a Valusian! They tend to be hard to find.
The Serpent Folk are fascinated with Human butt cheeks, such things are rather alien to them. It's as incomprehensible to them as the lyrics to 'Louie Louie' is to Republicans.
Oh, and the mask is actually the Human face without skin. What you see there are the underlying muscles.
Eeeeyeeew !!! Gross huh !
Figured you'd like this one, Kev. I still got a few tricks left up my sleeve...
Very cool! I love the sinewy serpent, the deatils of the room and the story. You have such a creative mind and the artistic talent to match it. Well done :>
Great work and story !!
I do like the anatomy charts and neat built in bookcase and your Valusian and my tooth is much better thank you. And all ex boyfriends seem to look alike.
I see your dreaming again. Good post!
Thanx for the compliments, Carla! You're making me blush !
You are too kind, Rowantree!
Dear Mandypreheim0869, thank you for the spam.
I hope the authorities catch you and deal with you appropriately. Here's hoping a severe spanking is thrown in with your court ruled sentence.
Glad your poor tooth is feeling better, Janey !
I also like how the bookcase turned out, and the anatomy charts as well. Sounds like you have had to deal with some Snakes of your own, there kiddo !
Dreams are a vital part of my life, Joe !
Gotta have dreams !
woah! cool drawing! and cool theme too.. makes one think indeed. great details of the room too!
Too cool for the room, as allways. Just another day in the life of Steve's brain. Awesome.
Thanx Atomicvelvetsigh ! I had some fun with this subject matter.
I have an open mind, Tony! It helps when I encounter odd things in my life (like Serpent Folk). Now all I need at the moment is some anti-poison...
Great imagination you have there, Steve. Excellent drawing and story to match! Love the details.
Thanx for the props, Angelique ! Hey, you've got a kewl name, you are sooooo lucky !
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