Illustration Friday ' REINVENT '

At last ! Directly from the legendary Chimera Lab Division of PoisonPencil Enterprises comes the newest and most bizarre 'reinvention' Lycanthrope to hit the market in centuries. You've heard of the WereWolf, the WereTiger, the WereRat, the WereBear, the WereBoar, the WereRaven, the WereShark, and even the WereSpider.
But have you heard of the WereBeaver...?
Well, neither have I.
So I made one.
Here'z my 'Reinvent(ion)' for Illustration Friday.
I just know someone will make a crack about the 'beaver' idea and a portion of the female anatomy. Everyone 'be'have now !
Chew slowly and enjoy.
Very creative! What a fierce creature and clever reinvention.
As Beavis (or is it Butthead?) would say, "huh huh..he said crack".
What I have to say is it sure looks like that beaver is hungry for a big piece of wood. Get it? Wood, beaver.. hahahahahaha (I crack myself up)
Glad you like it honey ! I know it was a strech to use this sketch as my entry for 'Reinvent' but I wanted to avoid anything mechanical looking. That or using a 'mirror' type idea. Reinventing oneself is probably going to be a common theme for this word so I slipped sideways and did something weird.
I think we are both Buttheads (in a good way!) Wood, huh ? That's some 'stiff' commentary from you...;-D
I had to watch SpikeTV sometimes (research, long story), and they had that Stripperella show on, and one time, this character played by Andy Dick got bitten by a radioactive (or something) beaver and turned into a WereBeaver. This one is way cooler, though.
Oh my gawd, your kidding me ! I watched some of the first season episodes of that (because Stan Lee was in charge of animation) Some of it was funny and the animation was watchable, but I thought it was a forgettable toon, The second season was worse (they fired Stan Lee before doing the second season) so I quit watching.
So Andy Dick beat me to this idea. Grand, I lost out to a bigger nerd. Damn you Hollywood, DAMN YOU.....!
I'll shut up now. :-)
hello passing by:) that monster needs a loving home to go to! keep up the good work!
helena tay
Hiya Helena Tay ! How about a bungalow along the Mississippi river ? It could have a log cabin attachment and an artificial waterfall. Thanx for stopping by !
(in my best Marty Feldmen voice) "There... there beaver... there castle!"
That's great! Can you imagine if you sold your soul for arcane powers- and were turned into a were-beaver?
LOL ! Well y'know Tony, I did make an offer, but they turned me down. Guess they were afraid I would take over or something...
Thanks for your comment Steve! Just thought i'd say you're a fantastic artist :)
A super deluxe wolverine (beaver) superhero type concept is perfect interpretation for - ReInvent. Or that is the feeling I got.
I'm a beaver your a beaver we'er beavers all Yack yack yack! The Beave song for you Steve!
Hey Steve, great illo ! Great minds think alike (sort of). You'll have to check out my beaver now..... (wince). Sorry, had to be said, it'd be rude not to. Scroll down my front page, I'm not really being rude honest. ;-)
were-beaver huh? Definitely a USA today movie. You know where the heroine falls in love with the guy with these big teeth and kinda hairy like Robin Williams in Hudson on the River and they go for a walk in the park one moonlite night and ..... wait, mustn't give away the plot now.
I'd have rather seen a kari wuhrer-beaver, but this'll do.
Lol, terrific idea, I like this one.
My wife wants to see sigourney weaver-beaver... :)
Thanx Joe, you're makin' me blush !
Glad to put a smile on your face Aeris !
Hi PeaPies, I wonder if Marvel Comics is paying attention...
I scream you scream we all scream...beaver ? LOL, Joe !
Now Sarah, shame on you ! You need a good hard spanking ! I'll check out your web site in a just a second.
Sounds like you have a crush on my lil' dam building lycanthrope, Janey. I hope you make a lotta money on any future movie deals with him ! :-)
Howdy James, I had to look up Kari Wuhrer to know who she was. Glad you like my sketch, and Miss Wuhrer's beaver too. :-D
Well, OK James, if your wife wants to see that. But I gotta warn ya, there will be a second alien head that pops out if you get too close ! :-O
Yes, I am evil...
Excellent illustration! I'll restrain myself from making the obligatory "dentata" joke that this just crying for.
Hey hey hey Jas Faulkner ! Be carful that you don't 'bite' off more than you can chew ! Hahahahahaha !
I appreciate your restraint.
ha ha...put that illo on the canadian nickel! certainly give the tourists a shock!
You think the Canadians would go for that idea, Kerry ? Hmmmmmmmmm. That is sumptim' to ponder...
WereBeaver! LOL! Fantastic take on this week's topic! He looks fierce!
Thanx for the visit Bertha ! If you think that his face if fierce, you should see his tail...
Were-tiger, I like his claws.
So how 'bout something with paws,
a were-dog, we had one
kujo - he didn't obey any laws
like it
Thanx for the poem Patty ! I'm all choked up...
So exactly how did you come up with the idea of a "were-beaver", anyway? That is the real question.
You were (ha) just asking for trouble, don't deny it.
Well Miss Daze, it was either the WereBeaver or WereBunny. The first was funny while the later was cheesecake. And while I luv cheesecake, funny won out. And yes, I knew I would get some flak for it too. And of course you nailed me on it. :-)
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