Illustration Friday 'Aquatic'

This week's Illustration Friday topic is 'Aquatic'. Well, I did have an illustration that fit that topic perfectly but I went with this one instead just to be on topic yet kinda off topic. I initially did this to depict an original take on the whole 'Titan' theme to show Strength (which I hope Illustration Friday doesn't chose anytime soon, since I just used this). I wanted to do an alien interpretation (not flying saucers alien, rather a non human looking Titan) so that it wouldn't look like a super-sized version of a statuesqe human wearing a Greek loincloth or toga ( such as most illustrators would do ). So forget Lucy Lawless, forget Kevin Sorbo, this misshapen odylic wonder is probably what a real 'Titan lifting an island in the middle of the ocean' would look like.
For this image I did the usual start up routine. Sketch, scan, save. Then the fun starts in Photoshop. I cleaned it up, changed the mode from grayscale to RGB, create layers. Bottom layer is totally a warm yellow (to give it the feel of the tropics) with the help of the paint bucket tool. Intervening layers contain the airbushings of the ocean swirls and the dawning clouds in the sky. The top layer is where I did most of the work. First, use the magic wand tool to select interior areas of each object (Titan, island, mountains) and filling in the proper color (I was lazy so the selected areas are imperfect, but that's ok as you will see later) then outline the objects quickly with a paintbrush (chose an appropriate size from the toolbox menu) using the same color as filler but a darker version so the object stands out from the background but I also used a softer brush instead of a harder brush to allow a lil' blending with the background so the objects wont look like they are floating on top of the other layers. The Titan is the main focus of this illustation so I wanted it to look like animated stone. So an grey/lichen color popped in my head followed by some filter choices (the Noise filter worked nicely, don't forget to alternate the foreground and background colors before using this filter otherwise you'll get that warning pop up window, just alter the color a lil' to the darker portion of the color selection window for one of them (back or foreground) Add a lil' dark airbrush color for each area where I thought the objects needed to be shadowed (use low pressure on your airbrush for this so you don't go overboard, I generally use a pressure of 9 for most work). Use the rubber stamp (clone) tool for the clumps of dirt to repeat the filtering of sand for the island itself (same technique as the Titan). Add detail to birds, trees, mountains, then flatten image.
You know the rest. Talk back to me. Hate it or luv it, it's your opinion now. P.S. read all the previous posts if you show up late to get a feel for what has already been covered, sometimes I explain things I missed mentioning in the original post.
Me shut up now.
geez kiddo, you're speedy! just clicked in to see what the topic was, and here you are already efficient! i think your phallic leanings really come through in this illo! (great write-up btw)
Phallic leanings ? Guess it's hard to hide that I'm a chick trapped in a dudes body. I woulda been here earlier Kerry, but the write up took me longer than I thought. Glad you liked it !
:D meant artistically, but okay! i've noticed it's difficult to keep the self out of art...even looking back at my last weeks entry, my african chick somehow has my very anglo bone structure! but i gotta say, that's one big head on your "titan"! (or is that just a euphamism the kids are using these days?!)
euphamism sumphamism (sp?). We all know who drew this. Well I'm going to concentrate on the island. Those palm trees are soo cute. But Mr. Titan there has a really does have a big nose on his head. Ok, back to the palm trees. They're cute did I say that?
I have to back up what Kerry said re: your speediness (I'll leave it to you to make any phallic connection if you so want to). It appears that this must be the big brother of the monster from Lost. A nice enough rendition for me to be very wary about visiting tropic isles this winter.
Hiya Shmileblik ! Yes, the Titans were very chaotic, that's one reason the Olympian gods imprisoned them in Tartarus.
Those darn kids ! One person told me that the phrase 'manhole cover' was banned at Western M. University due to a slang take on it. It's a crazy word, Kerry.
I just had to make sure that the Titan was deformed and exagerated in body to express it's non-human origin, Janey. I wanted it to look wrong/misshappen as if the universe just couldn't get it right until the gods were born FROM the Titans. After all, a rilly tall human is just a giant, not a Titan...
Welcome back Detlef ! Go ahead and visit the tropics, all the Titans are currently having tea and olives with Hades in Detroit. You'll be safe, if I don't get there first...
Thanks Steve, for always stopping by and finding something kind to say. Mighty kind o' you.
As always, I enjoy your work! I really love the "dead mouse" up above! Not only are you very talented you are very clever as well!
Phallic? Did someone say "phallic"?
I can't tell if the "nose" is just his nose and below it is his chin or if that "nose" is his complete head and below is his chest. ????
Is this an episode of "Gilligan's Island" that I missed?
My pleasure Jennifer ! You're makin' me blush, darlin'. Please don't stop...
You have to look at the complete Titan to see phallic resemblence. Can't see him any other way now. He certainly has power.
Now why did 'Phallic' pique your interest, Miss Daze ? Hmmmmmmmm.
Titans were always a mystery...
The setting is 'Gilligans Island BC', y'see the Professor with the help of Mary Ann managed to use some radioactive rocks and a radio to transport the island back in time (actually Gilligan interfered). The Skipper ate the Golden Fleece. The Howells bought the city of Troy. And Ginger drank a magic potion that turned her into a Gorgon (like Medusa).
Y'know, same old stuff...
Wow, Anonymous, not you too! Gee, I've created a covey of deviants...haven't I.
Well, I guess that's my own fault, with posting dirty pictures of naughty bits and butts.
I don't hear any complaints, so I guess I'm just fillin a void with my art.
Wait, 'fillin a void' I'm doing it!
Yea, that's what I said! Great job!
Brilliant as allways. Flex those Titan muscles!
sorry kiddo...seems i've started some off on a tangent, but i'm sure it was expected? you're just a naughty boy, who seems to attract us naughty girls! ha ha...
Hey, Joe stopped by ! Whatz up Joe!
Not only are ya gonna see Titan muscles flex, Tony, you'll also see some flab flexing. Eeeewwwwww! :-D
Sounds like you and I both need spankings, Kerry! You first...
Well, if I MUST go on Steve...cute and a good personality too. Happy now? Thanks for the smile.
Now the Titan is blushing !
you always come up with different ideas and illos .. and this is another good one:) great!
have a nice weekend!
Trying to come up with these ideas is fun but also kinda puzzling, Nuray-Tulipland. One of these days I'm gonna screw up and you are all gonna laugh at me.
Be kind. :-)
Have a great weekend yourself !
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