Illustration Friday "Travel"

Here it is. My current contribution to Illustration Friday, 'Travel'. Since it's April Fool's Day, I decided to show someone travelling someplace kinda scary. I'll bet everyone is doing vacations and field trips to the zoo and what not. Not me, nosiree. I gotta be a jerk and do something weird. Y'know, I coulda drawn some cute women in bikini's on the beach playing volleyball or sunbathing...
But that would promote skin cancer- all I did was to promote damp earth, hidden treasure, lurking beasties, and grave mold. Yikes !
Your illustration is really interesting. You could write a short story from it. You should do a sequel and show where he ends up. I like the cast shadows. From a distance the whole tunnel looks like a large yellow eye. Neat.
Originally this was meant for a storyline long ago, but I changed the story and the character was unnecessary. But I liked the sketch and it survived for all these years ( since 1988 ! ) Thanks for the compliments !
You found this from 1988! Wow I cant find one from last week! Great drawing. Daring!
Yeah Joe, 88. Sigh! So long ago. So many seconds ago. No getting them back baby ! Thanks for the peeps there Joe, I'm lookin' for your contribution on Travel. See ya !
this is interesting! .. where is he going? where is he coming from? what does he seek? Nice ill.
Hi Rebeccashane ! He's heading down to an underground lake where very scary fish/frog/humanoids dwell. It was meant to be a Lovecraftian theme ( Deep Ones ) and the underground setting was a pseudo 'Innsmouth' location. Obscure reference, I know. He was following a glowing ethereal sphere of spirit energy that was going to guide him to a hidden amulet beneath a large clock-tower. Kinda wordy but there you go.
oh, crap. i forgot it was april fools! here i should've been planning some horrific joke, but now it's too late! bugger. but your illo still rocks, i love the look that he's coming out of an eye...interesting.
Hiya Kerry ! Yep, April Fools Day is here and I did something foolish. Glad you liked it ! I wonder how many other artists are planning for A.F.D. ? We shall see...
Oh I like beasties and handsome heros fighting for their lives (or fleeing as the case may be). And I like the way this guy is going away from the light. Is he really the hero? What's he running from? You mean there's not going to be another installment?
Reminds me of the RPG games I play, played or in various stages of playing. Cool idea!
Me likes me some beasties. ;-)
I love the dimension of this, his weariness and the feeling of going to the underworld. It's not unlike the human experience, methinks. We come from the light into the shadow to check things out and see what having flesh feels like. (I think it feels rather good, personally.) Thanks for this offering, dear one.
I left a really nice comment about this the other day but I guess it never posted. UGH. It said something about liking beasties (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and something about how much I love this picture. I appreciate his weariness and how he coming from the light down to the shadow. It's the Hero's Journey! Very nice.
He looks as if he's in someone's ear canal, spellunking deeper and deeper into the brain.
Hi Aeris ! Yeah, I gotta be me. Bikini's and sunflower stars, eeeeeeeek !
Oh, Janey ! I'm sorry, but this character is already phased out. Woulda been cool too, the scene was based on the song "Follow You" by Glenn Bertnik. Over time my stories have evolved, not all survives these growth spurts.
Hey Polar ! I definitly borrowed heavily from Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and White Wolf World of Darkness for my art work.
I see you Kymberlee ! I'm glad you noticed that he looks tired. It was a long and hard journey. Shadows can be fun!
And here'z a double take for Kymberlee ! Blogger is kinda slow on the uptake here recently with postings. Thankx for the second helping there sweet cheeks !
Hiya Tony ! Hah ! I never noticed that it does look like an ear canal ! What was that song by R.E.M. , "journey to the center of the mind"...? Thanks dude !
Personally, I prefer damp earth and lurking beasties. I see him as traveling through the tunnel of depression. Long hard journey.
Have you changed things on your blog? It all seems different, or maybe it is just me.
Nice work, as usual.
Wouldn't you prefer dragon wings? Demon wings? How about a nice little pair of fly wings? They are on sale real cheap. If you insist, though, you may have butterfly wings. ok? Just remember, though, that all the other kids on the block will make fun of you.
Love your glowing ethereal sphere of spirit energy - opposite to damp earth, lurking beasties, and grave mold. Want to see the hidden treasure!
I'm with you Miss Daze, damp earth and lurking beasties ( surfers ? ) are the way to go. I'm still fiddleing with the blog, adding tiny, little, itsy bitsy thangs here and there. O.K. You convinced me, I'll take some feathered wings please. :-)
Salutations Anonymous ! It's a glorious and wondrous treasure...better than Butter Pecan Ice Cream ! Slightly. Marginally. Itsy bitsy...
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