Illustration Friday ' ALONE '

Illustration Friday has reared it's creative head again and brought with it the concept of ' ALONE '. Now most artists are alone anyway due to the fact that this tends to be a labor intensive calling and requires a lotta concentration, this usually discourages the happenstance of constant interruptions. In other words, Do Not Disturb.
Kinda rude, but we are a strange breed: the 'sittus on my tuckas and scribble for many moons'. No wonder some people want to smack us good and hard...
Anyway. Here he is. GOONSBERG's only Tax-Collector. Pretty hard job, and I bet he would really luv to be alone right now !
By the way, April 15 is zooming up awfully fast and ya gotta make sure yer taxes are in by then, or else I'll send a beastie to your clean door-step to annoy you ( so you can't draw and will have do your taxes ) I'm undecided on which 'monster under the bed' to send to delinquent filers: either a big hairy SNUFFLER who smells like old socks, or a long scaley SCRITCHER who grabs your ankles when you try to walk away...
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh this is so funny and you're so early. I mailed my income tax TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have a beastie anyway? Please? The Snuffler sounds fun but not the Scritcher.
Of course you can have a Snuffler, Janey! His name will be GRONCHER, and he will have teeth the size of jumbo crayons (but will be as soft as marshmallows). He likes the crust from sandwiches and dustbunnies dipped in milk. He'll be your best pal and will find that missing tennis ball you lost 2 years ago (although it's gonna look kinda dingy). And when you look under your bed, you'll see his big yellow googly eyes staring back at you (try not to shriek at him, he cries easily).
me like the monsters from "Monsters, Inc". cuddly and cute and fun to be with. at least, my company takes care of my taxes so i don't need to do anything anymore. teehee... your illos are one of my favorites here!
You do tentacles so well, I must find a way to use some myself in a drawing.
Hi Knottydon ! I also luv 'Monsters, Inc', it's one of my favs. Thanx for stoppin' by !
Y'know Detlef, tentacles are a way of life, if you truly believe and you wish upon a full moon, then Cthulhu may visit you in your dreams...brrrrrrrrrrrr !
Hehe. Thanks for commenting on my first Illustration Friday submission. My dude does needs some friends. That 'Connected' shirt and phone doesn't seem to be helping. :) I like your submission your style is so lush. Phew, so glad I did my taxes early for the first time ever!
nice idea, nice illo!
Hi Jemal ! Maybe he needs a classy car to win people over (although they might be shallow if cars are their only interest). Good news on your taxes !
Thanx Michelle ! I appreciate the luv !
Well howdy-do ChasCreek, it was calendar sensitive. Have a great weekend !
Ha ha! It's so funny and love the twist on the theme. Well done!
Cheers Polar ! It comes from having a twisted mind...
Hey Steve...I love your illustration and thanks for your comment about mine!
You're welcome Guisi. My pleasure !
hi there
i think the "breath" of the dragon is outstanding... colors are terrific and taxes are
buckin' blarneybytes :), patty
I see you peeking at my blog, Patty...
Thank you for liking my illustration ! Doing the colors was fun and I agree, taxes can rilly bite sometimes. Hope I see your entry next week !
Bwahhahahhaa! This is great!
I thought I heard diabolic chuckling in the distance....
Hi Rozzie !
Ohhh that's funny! *snicker* I like your bw pencil strip too--especially the one with the little guy sneezing LOL!
Hey Steve, What a taxing ILL. LOL!
Salutations Paige ! Keep watching, those two monsters will continue to get into trouble...
Good one Joe ! Thanx for stoppin' by !
as always very different idea :) very nice illo .. and I like your cartoon monsters too :D.. have a great week..
Long time no see Nuray-Tulipland ! Me feel great connection to all monster's in monster land. Me go now.
Dunno which I like more: illustration or explanation ;) Funny funny stuff. Oh the real tears of laughter are in the details. I've looked at this quite a few times now and each time it brings a smile to my face :) (I did my taxes a long time ago)
Great as always. I think Cookie Monster is hiding under my bed.
I'm so proud of you Jessica ! You get a Snuffler monster too ! His name is Crunch!
Hi Tony, I luv cookie monster ! His spinning googly eyes always crack me up !
Make sure he get some chocolate chip goodies tonight ! :-)
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